"Little" Number Five

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Five was pacing, Diego was clearly pissed, Vanya was missing, and everyone else looked like shit

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Five was pacing, Diego was clearly pissed, Vanya was missing, and everyone else looked like shit.

"Okay." Said Five. His voice was distorted, and you could hardly make out what he was saying. "I have a plan, and it involves a dummy briefcase."

You lost consciousness for a few minutes. You couldn't move your body.

Wasn't smart to drink on the way here, huh? How the hell did you even drive? Or did you just take a cab? You couldn't remember.

You were too tired. You wanted to open your eyes, get up and say something.

By the time the slight pain in your back was gone and you finally were fully awake, the sun had moved significantly from the window. You sat up.

"Where are they?" You asked Diego.

Diego turned to you, before pushing you back down onto the couch. "Don't get up. Five and Luther went out a while ago."

"I thought you were going to kill Hazel and Cha-Cha."

Diego picked up one of his knives, before shoving it into his holster. "I am."

"Then I'm coming."


After a while, you, Klaus, and Diego pulled up at a motel.

"This the place?" You asked. "It looks like shit."

Klaus insisted that this is where they had taken him, and both you and Diego got out of the car.

"No." Diego simply said, shoving you back into the seat. "You stay here. Your already wasted enough."

"But-" you were met with a door infront of your face, and grumbled.

After a few minutes, he joined you both again. You stared out the window.

"You do know that killing these people isn't gonna make you feel any better." Stated Klaus, before chugging his bottle.

"Yeah, but when it's done, I'm gonna sleep like a baby."

"Sure you will." Muttered the drunk.

The hotel room's door opened, and you watched closely.

"Stay in the car." Ordered Diego.

"What are you talking about?" Klaus spoke up. "This guy tortured me!"

"I have a plan."

"Sure you do." You said, clearly with little faith as your brother left. You only sighed as Klaus followed.

You heard a clicking noise, followed by several other clicks, and strained your ears. Shit.

You quickly opened the car door and hopped out, right as it blew up in flames. You groaned as Diego and Klaus ran over, asking if you were okay.

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