Run Boy, Run

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Five stabbed his knife into the table

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Five stabbed his knife into the table. The sudden sound made you look up.

"I have a question." He said, glaring at your father.

He and the old man argued back and forth for a while. You only noticed Five had left when the door slammed shut. You looked down, before continuing to eat.

He would be fine.

Five frustratedly sped-walked down the side walk. He put his hands in front of him, before swinging them back as if parting a curtain. He looked up. Everyone was wearing bright and summer clothes. He smirked.

"I'm not ready, my ass." He did the gesture again, and this time watched as snow fell around him. His smile only grew.

He parted his hands once again, but when he looked up, everything was demolished. Fire was everywhere. Panicked, he ran back down the street, only to find the academy in ruins. A tear trickled down his face, before he began to look for some living thing.

He saw an eye. A fake one. He took it out of whoever's hand was holding it, before realizing it was Luther. Five ran back and forth, only to find each and everyone of his siblings grown and dead. Then, he saw you.

You let out a raspy grunt, crying out, and Five ran over.

"Y/N, I, what happened?!"

"Five?" You coughed out. Five tried hard to ignore the grotesque scene in front of him, as a large rail had been stabbed through your chest. You had ashes spread all over your body. Five crouched down, taking your face in his hands. You were older, yes, but he knew it was still you.

"You came back." You whispered, tears running down your cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm back." Five assured you, leaning his forehead against yours. "I need to know what happened, okay?"

"You could have stopped it. You could have saved us." You choked out, gasping for breath.

"Stopped what?! Y/N, focus on me!"

"You could have saved me, Five. I loved you." You finished, before your tears stopped, your ragged breaths stopped.

"Eight? Eight?" He slapped your cheek lightly. "Get up, Y/N! Get up!"

You were gone.


Five walked into your apartment, a pencil skirt and white button down shirt in his hands.

"Put these on."

You were sitting at your kitchen table, having a bowl of breakfast cereal and a cup of Starbucks.

"Why? And-and how the hell did you get in?" You asked, swallowing.

"If anyone asks, you're my mom, and you're divorced."

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now