The Memories of The Damned

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When you were 7, your Father knew he had to do whatever it took to find your weaknesses

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When you were 7, your Father knew he had to do whatever it took to find your weaknesses. For example, he sometimes locked Klaus in a room for hours, maybe even days for him to get over his fear of the dead...

Your fear: well, you didn't exactly have one. It was more like a psychological weakness. If you were something small, like an humming bird or a bee, for to long, it could take a major toll on your mental health.

Your father found this fascinating, seeing as though when you became something large, like a bear, you were fine. He decided to experiment.

"Number Eight?"

You quickly stood.

"Your next." Said the elderly man.

You were led into the same room. He pointed to an ant farm.

"Go on." He said.

You hesitated, before sighing, and closing your eyes. A black streak was produced from your hands, and it wrapped around your body until it entirely covered you. When it faded, you were an ant. Your father picked you up, and placed you into the farm.

An hour. Your siblings watched you for an hour in the ant farm, before your father suddenly walked in with a bat, and smashed the farm to pieces. You turned back into yourself.

You were on your hands and knees, shaking. Sweat covered your forehead, and your eyes were filled with fear. You violently shook, taking in shaky breathes. Your father and siblings watched as your crawled into a corner, folding into a ball, still shaking. He picked up a note book, and quickly wrote something down, before stepping out and shutting the door.

"Tell me when she's calmed down, will you?" Your father said to Pogo. The chimp nodded, watching you with guilt in his eyes. You were not seen for the rest of the night...


You giggled with your 10 year old siblings. It was autumn. After all of you begging your father, he had agreed to let you all go to a public dance called the "Fall Ball."

The boys were suits, and Allison's iridescent skirt gleamed in the moonlight. She turned to you.

"Is that what you are wearing?" She asked. You shrugged. It was a white button down shirt and black leather pants.

"I agree." You father said, walking in. "A lady should wear a dress for a dance. It is only proper. Have your sister pick an outfit for you."

You groaned. "But!-"

"I heard a rumor~" you slowly turned to your sister, your eyes whited out. "That you let me choose your outfit, and you didn't complain about it."

In a few seconds, you smiled, grabbing Allison's hand. "Why don't you pick my outfit?"

Allison smiled in return, leading you up the stairs. When you two returned, your brothers couldn't help but gawk and stare.

You wore a pale blue sundress. The skirt was short in the front, but rather long in the back. A white scarf covered your arms. Your hair was tied up in a ponytail. You and Allison talked while you two walked down the stairs. As you two walked down the main corridor, you turned to them, putting your hands on your hips.

"The hell are looking at?!" You asked. The boys flinched.

"Nothing!" They all said in unison. Klaus stepped forward.

"You clean up nice though!" He said, smiling. While you usually would have punched him, you laughed, wrapping your arm around his neck and walking outside. Your siblings all followed you two, before your father spoke up.

"Number Five! Please stay back. I wish to speak with you." 


By the time Five arrived, you were off dancing with Ben. You both laughed as he spun you around. Five sighed longingly, before walking off the the snack table. When you were finally free, it was an hour before the dance ended. Five let out a huff, before walking up to you.

You sipped your red plastic cup. You knew Dad would never let you all do this again. You were kind of shocked when Five walked up in front of you.

"Five? What do you need?" You asked, shifting and leaning against the wall.

Five scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um..." he slowly turned to make eye contact with you, before looking down, shoving one hand into his pocket and holding the other one out. "Would you... I don't fucking know! Dance with me?"

You paused. What?! No. This wouldn't end well. A part of you wanted to dance with him, but another part of you was to scared, to suspicious. You slowly shook your head.

"N-no.." you muttered.


"No." You said, standing up straight. "Hell no!" You quickly walked off, as you disappeared into the crowd.

The embarrassment. The rage. The sadness. All of those combined and made Five grit his teeth. It made him hit you harder in training. It made him hate you more.


You heard a knock on your door. "Come in." You simply said, wrapping yourself in a robe. Your father stepped in.

"Number Eight."


He stood their for a second, before walking to your bed and sitting. He patted the spot next to him, and you hesitantly sat down. This wasn't unusual. Your Father was always the one to treat your wounds in your room.

"I heard you rejected Number Five's request to dance." He spoke up, staring at a poster of you and your siblings laughing together.

"Of course I did!" You said, shifting on the bed. "It would have ended with me being shoved into a cake or tripping or something!" You whined as your Father chuckled.

"You know, Number Eight, aggression can be a sign of affection." Your father stated, turning to another poster of you, smiling. "If that was the case with you, you and Five would be madly in love."

You scoffed. "What?!"

Your father chuckled again. "Okay, picture this. You and Five didn't know each other, but you still both went to the dance. How do you think it would have gone if you had said yes to his dance?"

You sighed. "I don't know... I'm picturing a Cinderella story."

"I don't think Five would cut off your foot."

"Not that one!" You said, turning to him.

"Well.." he paused. "Then maybe it's time you realize that Five could very well be your Prince Charming.."

You paused, before the words hit you. "Okay! Out! Out now!"

The words echoed in your head as you tried your best to sleep.

Five? My Prince Charming? Yeah. Like that would ever happen.... Right?..

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now