Chapter Thirteen

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"Thank you, have a good one," Camille said as the last of the customers left, Felipe locking the door as she was more than grateful to be closing early for the night.

"You can go ahead and go, I can clean up, Mija."

"Nonsense, what else do I have to do." She smirked as she put up the chairs, Felipe smiling softly at her as she knew he was grateful for her help. It had been a hard couple of months for Camille since her depression had kept her from living any sort of life outside of work and occasionally meeting with Letty. The moment she had realized that Johnny had chosen the drugs over her, she had lost all hope.

He had tried to apologize and explain why he had stolen from her, but she didn't want to hear it since she knew it was the drugs talking. "Hey," Ez said as he walked into the shop, Camille smiling since he was right on time. He always showed up at closing when he could for their nightly walks and chats, his friendship meaning a lot to her since she always felt so alone.

"You two go ahead—I can handle this," Felipe said with a coy smile as Camille rested her hand on her hip since she knew what that look meant. She wasn't stupid, she knew that Felipe was hoping they would engage in a more romantic relationship, but Camille was still madly in love with Johnny and a part of her still held out hope that he would come back to her one day.

"Goodnight, Felipe." She said as she kissed his cheek before grabbing her hoodie and walking out with Ez, the air around them thick as she felt him staring at her more than usual.

"How was your day?" She asked as she unfolded her walking cane and hooked her arm in his, the air feeling cool as she sensed that someone was watching them.

"Long, but good—yours?" He asked in a nervous tone as Camille pulled his arm bringing them both to a stop, her vision still blurry as she tried to make out the expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she hated when people kept things from her, a trauma she had to deal with her entire life.

"I feel guilty for having feelings for you because I know you don't see me like that and—despite all the bullshit, Coco is my friend and I love him like a brother."

"Guilt is a natural feeling, Ezekiel, and trust me I would be lying if I said for a moment, I didn't harbor feelings for you but—I still love Johnny even though he has hurt and betrayed me more than I ever thought a man could." She said as she took his arm again, her heart racing as a sinful thought entered her mind.

"What he did was terrible, and you didn't deserve that. You are an incredibly kind and gentle woman Camille, and my father adores you and so does everyone else in the MC. Coco is fucking stupid for what he did." Camille smiled and nudged him with her shoulder as they continued to walk down the street, her hand slowly moving down his arm as she nervously slipped her hand in his.

"I've only ever kissed one man." She said as she turned to face him, Ez smiling as his hands slowly cupped her face. The moment his lips touched hers, Camille felt tears well in her eyes as she had missed what it felt like to be cared for.

"I've waited so many years to do that."

"Years?" She asked as she remembered they had met while he was in prison." Ez! You told me you wanted to study the bible." She teased as she kissed him again, their kiss turning deeper as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away." He said as Camille broke the kiss, her hands resting on his arms as his face came into view. "Why are you crying?" He asked as a single tear fell down her cheek, Camille turning away from him as she sat down on the bench by the street.

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