Chapter One

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"Where you headed?" Angel asked Coco as he fastened his helmet, Coco ignoring him as he kicked his stand back and took off, his focus on making it to the church on time. The last Sunday he tried to go, he had been so late that he had just gone home, but he had to see her today. It had been almost a month since she had approached him that day at work and ever since then, he just couldn't shake her.

He thought of nothing but her day and night and lately she had crept into his dreams. He tried to keep his mind busy with work and the MC, but no matter what she was always there. When he finally figured out what church her Convent attends, he had been over the moon with excitement, but he had yet to step inside, for fear of being gawked at or turned away.

Coco pulled into he pulled parking lot as everyone was walking into the church, his stomach a ball of nerves as he dusted off his black shirt and ran his hands through his thick black hair. Coco held his breath as he walked into the church and sat alone on the last pew, his head down as he pulled the long sleeves of his button-up shirt down to cover his various tattoos.

His head shot up as the Nuns began to flow into the church, a hint of a smile on his face as he saw her walking in last, her cane tapping at the floor as several people began grabbing her hand and greeting her with hearty hellos and asking her for prayers.

Coco watched as she slid in the pew, his eyes never leaving her as the priest began the service. He hated church and wasn't that religious, but for her, he was willing to sit through every church service if it meant getting to spend a few minutes with her. Coco went through the motions of the service, his heart leaping as it was finally over since he knew now was his chance to finally speak to her.

"Collect the eggs." An older nun said to Camille as she nodded and sat back down on the pew, Coco sitting with his head bowed as he waited for the church to clear out. He watched as she stood moments later, her shoes clicking on the hardwood floor of the church as she slowly walked by his pew.

"Do you need prayer?" She asked meekly as Coco felt frozen in fear, her head turned towards him as her eyes looked down at the floor. He wasn't sure how she knew he was there, but he found it almost magical.

"Maybe." He said as he watched her entire face light up with a smile from ear to ear, Coco smiling as he felt a blush going over his cheek. She recognized him, something that Coco wasn't expecting.

"Johnny Cruz, a pleasant surprise." She said as she sidestepped into, he aisle, sitting right next to him as he felt his body tense from the waves of anxiety that were taking over. He leaned forward as she raised her hand and gently placed it on her face, her brow furrowing as she slowly ran her fingers over his eyes. "Why are you so sad Johnny? Does something trouble you?" She asked as she rested her hand on her lap, her other hand gripping her cane.

"A lot of things trouble me."

"Would you like to help me pick the eggs from the chicken coop? You can tell me about anything you want, I don't judge." She smiled as she stood up and offered him her hand, Coco taking her hand as she led him from the church and around the back.

"You don't wanna hear about my problems, it would take all day." He said as he held the basket for her, watching as she delicately took the eggs from under the chickens, Coco worried one of them was going to peck her.

"Then we will take all day. I do not pretend to know what your life is like Johnny, but I can offer you comfort in knowing you are not alone. If you don't wish to tell me that is fine, we can talk about other things until you are ready." She smiled as she looked up at him, Coco breathing deep as her eyes locked to his, Camille eyes so blue he felt he could swim in them forever.

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