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Welcome to my Coco Cruz Fanfic! I'm casting Saoirse Ronan as Sister Mary Camille Lazarus. 

"Excuse me." A sweet and kind voice said as Coco jolted around, his mind focused on the task of crushing the cars. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you." A petite woman wearing a nuns veil and black and white dress said Coco confused as she to how she got into the yard since Riz was supposed to be at the gate.

"Can I help you?" He asked as he stomped out his cigarette, not the mood to talk religion or talk to anyone.

"I am sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for the Our Lady of Grace Convent, I've been walking for a while and you are the first person I have come across. I've never been here before, so I apologize if this is private property." The nun said as Coco noticed her clothes were stained with something red, and her face was streaked with dirt.

"What happened to you?"

"Some not very nice people threw something very cold at me as I was walking along the road, and the dirt is from tripping while walking." The nun explained as Coco noticed that her eyes were looking past him and not directly at him. Coco waved his hand in front of her face, his eyes going wide as he realized that she was blind.

"Are you—blind?" He asked almost crudely his eyes going to the stick in her hand, a stick he hadn't really noticed until that moment. "Shit, my bad, oh shit I shouldn't curse." He said as he ran his hand through his hair nervously.

"It's quite alright. Yes, I was born partially blind so I don't even notice it, but I must say the noise you were making helped me find you. I can see shapes and some figures at times. Can you help me?" She asked as she looked past him again, Coco trying not to stare at her ice-blue eyes.

"Yeah, here let me take you inside." He said as he gently grabbed her hand in his, the nun folding up her walking stick as she walked carefully beside him. "There is a step here—and here," Coco said as he carefully helped her up the stairs, everyone looking at him as he led her inside.

"Who is this?" Bishop asked as Coco led her to one of the bar stools, before motioning for Bishop to following him into the meeting room.

"I don't know, she just came up behind me asking me for help. She said she needs to get to that convent on the edge of town." Coco explained as Bishop looked out at her, Chucky making his acquaintance as Coco knew that man might not give the best impression.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She is blind—kinda she said she can see shapes and shit. "Coco said as he snapped his finger at Chucky since he could tell the nun was uncomfortable.

"Shit—find out how she got our here, she looks roughed up," Bishop said as they left the room, Coco noticing that her long skirt was torn and frayed at the bottom and her shoes were falling apart.

"Why are you all the way out here?" Coco asked as the woman jumped from fright, Coco feeling like an asshole for scaring her.

"Um—I can't say." She whispered as she gripped her walking stick in her hands as Coco could tell she was scared. The more Coco looked at her the more he could see that someone had hurt her, since he could see five large bruises on her neck, indicating she had been choked.

"You are safe here, you are in the Mayans MC, we won't hurt you. What's your name sister?" Riz said, his calming voice something that was needed at the moment.

"Sister Mary Lazarus." She answered meekly as her eyes looked up at Coco, his eyes looking away from her as he couldn't help but notice her innocent beauty. "Two days ago, some other nuns and I were in Mexico reaching out to the less fortunate. I am not sure why, but some vandals were waiting for us at the convent, took the donation money, and the food we had in storage. I am sure they needed it more than us, if they had just asked, we would have helped them. They took me hostage but the moment I felt the car come to stop, I managed to get away—in what I now think was an intersection because car horns began going off."

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