Chapter Seven

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Warning Strong sexual content and language.

Coco smiled as Camille cuddled up next to him on the couch, the day of bullshit finally over with. It had been three weeks since the incident with his mother, Coco hating that he had lied to Camille about what happened. He feared that if she knew he had killed Celia, it would drive her away and he couldn't bear to lose her.

"I missed you." He whispered, hating that she still couldn't speak, a smirk on his face as she took out a small notebook from her pocket along with a pen. Coco was never so happy that he had learned how to use braille in the Marines since that was one of the only ways, she could communicate with him, was to write everything in braille.

I missed you. She wrote, Coco turning his body towards hers, his fingers gently moving into her hair as she leaned her body into his. Their kiss was slow and tender since Coco didn't want to pressure her or hurt her still healing mouth.

She had taught him how to be gentle with a woman since in his past Coco had been rough and fucked as hard as he could, but with Camille, his body and soul demanded that he be gentle. He wanted to ravish her and listen to her cum over and over as he pleasured every inch of her, but he understood that she wasn't ready for that type of intimacy.

"I wish I could make love to you." He whispered as she rested her body onto his, Coco holding her tight as her head rested on his chest. A smirk traveled over his face as she rose her head to look at him, her cheeks a gorgeous pink as she blushed. "When you're ready princesa, I won't rush it."

He watched as she grabbed her notepad and pen a part of him nervous that he had crossed a line with his boldness, but he wasn't used to being so honest and open about his feelings.

When I can speak again, I want you to make love to me. A blush formed on his cheeks as he felt his heart jump and his cock get hard as the mere thought of finally taking her made him shake with anticipation.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" He asked as he saw start to frown, Coco sitting up as he could tell she wanted to say something so bad.

He sat still as she slowly ran her fingers over his face, his heartbreaking as he knew she just wanted to look at him and he wanted her to see him just as bad. Coco kissed the tips of her fingers as she ran them over his lips his breath hitching as she opened her eyes. Each time she showed him her ice-blue eyes, his breath was taken away since he felt hypnotized by them.

"I love you so much." He whispered as he leaned forward, his kiss slow as he waited for her to relax under his touch. His eyes went wide as Camille slowly began rubbing his cock through his jeans, his hand grabbing hers as her gaze turned intense.

"I want you so bad." He groaned as he playfully bit her neck leaving a small red mark, his eyes closing as she slipped her hand inside his jeans. Coco knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but the marriage was never something he felt obligated to do, but for Camille, he was willing to take the leap of the faith.


One month later

"Okay, Camille I need you to move your jaw up and down and side to side." The doctor said as Camille did as she was told, her bones popping as she finally felt relief from the constant ache. She did a few more exercises with the doctor, a part of her wishing that Coco had been there, but Ez was waiting for her out the waiting room.

She had been waiting for this day for weeks since it meant she could finally let Coco take her virginity, her body, and soul more than ready to take him. "I have a question for you, Miss Lazarus, why is it you never got this condition corrected, because from the tests show you could greatly benefit from a cornea transplant also called a keratoplasty." His words caused her heart to stop, since never in her entire life had any one of the nuns mentioned a surgery that could help her see.

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