Chapter Six

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  "Johnny?" Camille said as she heard the door open and close, her brow furrowing as she set down her crochet as she noticed the footsteps weren't his. She knew the sound of his steps on the floor since it was always followed with the smell of smoke and his amazing cologne.

"Coco said I could borrow some sugar." His mother Celia said as Camille felt her bump into her, her stomach forming a knot as she knew that Celia was lying. Camille nervously twirled her fingers as she heard Celia open and close drawers, sugar clearly not what she was after.

"Does Coco keep cash around? I need to pay some bills."

"I don't know, hey maybe you should wait till he gets home, should be soon." She nervously mumbled as she felt a tension in the air rise.

"Are you sayin I can't even be in my sons fucking house huh? Who the fuck are you?" Celia hissed as she pushed Camille hard, her leg hitting the coffee table causing her to topple over it and onto the floor. "Mind ya, business bitch, I know people who could take care of nosy bitches like you," Celia yelled as she kicked Camille hard in the stomach causing all the air to leave her lungs, hot tears stinging the corners of her eyes as she curled up into a ball on the floor.

Camille listened as Celia no doubt made a mess of Johnny's apartment, a part of her wishing she could at least see enough to get her cell phone from the couch. Johnny had given her the cell phone for emergencies, but right now she was frozen on the floor, her prayers falling on deaf ears as she hoped Celia would just leave.

"You better run as fast as you can away from Coco, everything he touches turns to shit."

"You are a vile woman; Celia and I pray you find peace." She retorted, her body tensing as Celia punched her hard across the face, her jaw-breaking instantly and her mouth filling with blood everything suddenly going dark.


Coco's brow furrowed as he pulled up in front of his apartment complex, his heart racing as he quickly parked his bike and rushed towards the lit-up ambulance. "Oh fuck, Camille! What happened?" He said as he saw Camille being wheeled towards the ambulance on a stretcher, her face bruised and bloodied.

"Sir! Do you know this woman?" An EMT asked as he tried to climb inside the ambulance, two cops approaching him as he took a breath and tried to remain calm.

"Yeah, that's my girl—what the fuck happened?" He demanded to know, his heart sinking as Letty slowly walked up to him. "Letty what happened?" He asked through clenched teeth as he watched the ambulance race down the street.

"I don't know, I came by to ask to stay here and I found her lying on the floor. I think it was Celia, she said she was coming over here to get the money you owe her."

"I don't fuckin owe her money—fuck!" He yelled as he knew his mother well enough to know she would beat a defenseless blind woman, his heartbreaking as he felt responsibility for Camille being rushed to the hospital.

"Go to the hospital, let me know what they say." He said as he rushed back to his bike, his mind calm and his heart racing as he knew exactly what he had to do. His entire life his mother had hurt him physically and emotionally but now she had gone too far. She had hurt Camille, the woman he had waited his entire life to find was now lying in an ambulance because of his mother's hatred for him.

It was dark by the time he parked in the alleyway behind her apartment building, the image of Camille lying on the stretcher forever burned into his mind as he rushed towards her door. "Fuck." He whispered as he tried to turn the knob, his shoulder aching moments later as he slammed into the door to get it to open. With one strong kick of his leg the door burst open, Coco seeing red as he walked down the hallway towards the bedroom.

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