Chapter Fourteen

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A/N wow chapter fourteen! Thank you all so so much! This story has been so much fun to write and I am sad to say but it will come to end soon! I will be posting a new Coco Cruz fanfic sometime later this next week!

Camille sighed as she slowly walked into the dark house, the smell of body odor so overwhelming that she had to cover her mouth. She knew that he was in here since she had seen him come in, but she hoped she was wrong. Her heart sank as she saw Johnny laying on a couch, his body slumped over and his eyes barely open as she could see he was high.

"Oh, Johnny." She whispered as she pushed him into a seated position, his eyes slowly trying to open as she pushed the hair from his face.

"Ca—mi." He slurred as his eyes slowly opened and closed, his hand slowly rising as she could tell he wanted to reach for her.

"I know that you won't remember this—but I had to see you before I left. I'm leaving Santo Padre tomorrow, but I hope that when I come home, you will be the man I fell in love with. Please try to get clean my love." She whispered as she kissed the top of his head before slipping a written letter into his pocket and hurrying from the house.

She hadn't told everyone she was leaving, except Ez who at first tried to protest but he couldn't argue with her reasoning. It didn't take her long to make it back to the butcher shop, her lunch hour now over as she hurried inside and grabbed her apron.

"Did you find him?" Felipe asked as she nodded her head, not in the mood to talk about the state he was in since it brought tears to her eyes.

"It feels weird just leaving what if something happens to him?"

"I will check in on him and try to get him help, but you have to live your life out of the shadow of some man." He explained as she knew he was right, but it was hard to just leave everything she had known and start all over once again.

"I at least have to say goodbye to Ez, he is very special to me Felipe." She said as the bell and door rang, her eyes going wide as she saw it was Hope, the druggie that Johnny had clung to as if his life depended on it.

"It's okay, Felipe." She said as he told Hope to leave, her heart racing as she motioned for them to sit outside on the small tables. She had never met Hope officially, but she had seen her around town with Johnny and others.

"How can I help you?" She asked as she sat down, her hands resting on the table as Hope sank into the chair, her eyes looking dark and sunken as sweat shined all over her face.

"I can't compete with you." She said in a low tone as Camille raised her brow in confusion. "Coco, is so madly in love with you that he whispers your name when he sleeps and if he and I are together, he calls out your name—not mine."

"Why—why are you telling me this? Johnny made his choice when he used me for sex then stole from me, and for what? Money?" She hissed angrily as she crossed her arms over her chest, Hope squirming in her chair as the mood turned uncomfortable.

"I made him do that, he didn't want to steal from you. He said he was going clean but—the pain set in, and he lost his head."

"Regardless, he still made his choice, and I would like for you to leave."

"Coco needs help and—I'm worried that he will die if he doesn't get it." She said as Camille sighed and sat back down, her mind and heart torn between leaving and staying.

"Please leave." She said again as she got up from the table and walked back inside, her heart heavy as she rushed back to the coolers to be alone. She wanted to leave and wanted to see the world like she never had before, but that also meant leaving Johnny when he needed her the most.

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