Chapter Three

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"Johnny?" Camille said as she stood with her hands clasped together as she tried to make out a figure, the flashes of light causing her head to ache once more. She knew that meeting him at the old abandoned church was risky, but he was worth the risk.

"It's me." He said as a smile rose over her face, her arms reaching out as her back still ached in pain from the lashes she had received the night before. Her body tensed as Johnny pulled her to him for a hug, Camille wrapping her arms around his shoulders as her face grimaced in pain.

"Ow!" She cried as his embrace has irritated the welts across her back, her body moving away from his as she carefully leaned against a stone wall.

"Are you okay?" He asked as his hand gently cupped her cheek, Coco noticing a large red welt running down her neck towards her back. "What happened?"

"The reverend mother punished me for seeing you last night. I can't stay long but I had to come to meet you." She admitted as her hands reached out for him, her fingers curling around his plaid button-up shirt. Coco grabbed her shaking hands in his, the entire world fading away as all he wanted to do was protect her and take her away from the hellish life she had been given.

"Take a ride with me," Coco whispered as he saw the hesitation and fear wash over her beautiful face, his heart racing as he waited with bated breath for her response.

"You mean run away with you?" She breathed as Coco let a nervous chuckle slip past his lips since he knew that no matter what Camille could always tell what he was thinking. "I'm a burden, Johnny—you don't deserve that."

"Don't say that—you are not a burden Camille--you're an incredible woman. The moment I first saw you—I can't explain it but you changed something in me and I can't turn away from you. I'm fallin in love with you." He admitted as he gently kissed her knuckles his heart fluttering as he saw the cute smile that formed on her lips.

"With me?" She asked her heart still not able to comprehend that someone loved her, since all her life she had yearned to feel loved. "I have to go."

"Why? Please don't go back there—if you get hurt, I'll never forgive myself. Just come with me—I can take care of you." Camille closed her eyes tight as his words hit her heart like a dagger, his words almost like a dream come true, but her fear was overwhelming.

"In another life and time—I would be yours and only yours, Johnny, but my life belongs to the Church, and its all I know. A life of obedience." She explained as her hand rested on the cool stone, her body relaxing as Johnny's hands cupped her face. The moment he kissed her, everything faded away, her body feeling as if she was floating high in the air.

"Please—come with me."

"I can't. I'm sorry."


                                FOUR DAYS LATER

"I'm just here to see Camille," Coco said as the Reverend Mother looked down at him with disgust, his heart racing as he knew he had to stay calm. He had come to the convent every day but each time he was turned away by the Reverand mother.

"Sister May Lazarus is busy with her prayers and cannot see you. Please leave and if you return, I will call the police." She said as she closed the heavy wooden door in his face, Coco sighing as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He had to talk to her, hell he just wanted to see her. He couldn't deny it anymore, he had fallen in love with her, and he knew this time it wasn't just infatuation like he had felt in the past, this was real. The moment he turned and saw her standing behind him in the junkyard, he was in love in a way he couldn't explain.

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