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"You look wonderful, Mija," Felipe said as she walked out of the bathroom, the courthouse cold and quiet. She and Johnny had decided to do a small wedding at the courthouse, Letica giving her an overly tight dress to wear and doing her makeup. She never thought she would ever get married, but she also never thought she would meet a man worth her love.

"Thank you, Papa Felipe." She said as she kissed his cheek, her entire body shaking from fear as Leticia handed her a small bouquet of roses. She held on to Felipe's arm as he walked her down the long hallway towards her future, her heart racing the closer they inched towards the door. "I am about to get married." She whispered as they stopped by the door, Camille hugging Letica and Felipe tight as they walked into the small office of the judge who was performing the ceremony.

Her mouth dropped as she saw Johnny standing next to Angel and Gilly, a beautiful black suit hugging his body as a big smile moved over his face. "Oh my god, Princesa. You are so beautiful." He said as he held his hands out for her, Camille smiling as she could feel him shaking with nerves.

"Are you two ready?" The judge asked with a smile as Camille and Johnny looked at each other, a smile on their face as Johnny mouthed, I love you, causing her to blush. "We are gathered here to witness the union of Camille Lazarus and Johnny Cruz. I understand that the couple has decided to say something before we get to the vows, is that correct?"

"Yes." They said in unison as they both smiled big from the nerves, the moment perfect in every way.

"Camille, you go ahead."

She took a deep breath before finally speaking, her heart finally settling as she stared into Johnny's beautiful eyes. "The moment I first met you, you saved my life, Johnny. I promise to show you all the love and support that you deserve, and I vow to love you harder when you can't love yourself." She said as a tear fell down her cheek. "I promise to never lose that spark that you love and to continue to do the little things that make you happy, I promise to always have a home filled with love and laughter. I promise to be the best stepmother I can be to your beautiful children. I vow to have patience, love, and honesty for as long as we both shall live." She finished as Leticia handed her the black titanium wedding ring, her fingers shaking as she held it in her fingers.

"Repeat after me. With this ring, I take you as my husband."

"With this ring, I take you as my husband," she said as she slipped the ring on, Johnny taking a deep breath as he knew it was his turn.

"Camille—You tell me that I saved your life that day in the junkyard, but you saved mine. You loved me when I didn't deserve it and showed me kindness that no one ever has before. I promise you never allow you to cry again unless it's from happiness and I promise to always love you just as hard as you loved me. I read that Marriage is a bridge of two shores, that binds us together as one unbroken path. I vow to never deviate from that path but to always be by your side until I take my last breath." He said as Camille wiped the tear from his cheek. Angel took the ring from his pocket and handed it to Johnny, Camille smiling big as their eyes met.

"With this ring, I take you as my wife." He said as he slipped the ring onto her finger, everyone in the room cheering as the judge motioned for them to settle down.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. Johnny, you may kiss your bride." He said as Johnny pulled her in for an intense kiss, everyone laughing as he dipped her over.

"I love you, Johnny." She said as he hugged her tight, the cheers and voices all around them fading as she enjoyed the beautiful moment with her new husband.



"When I was just a few days old, I was left on the steps of the convent that used to occupy this space you see behind me. I endured a life of abuse that I was told was love and was told many lies that I was forced to believe. If not for my amazing husband, Johnny who rescued me from the abuse, I fear I would still be trapped in a life that I had no control over. With the opening of this building, no child will ever again have to endure a life that I and so many others were forced into. This building is now a haven not only for young pregnant mothers but also for the babies they cannot take care of. This shelter is not only for expectant mothers but for all women who have no other place to go. The opening of this shelter will provide a service to Santo Padre that has never before been seen, a safe place for women of all ages to go when the home that they currently live in is no longer safe." She said as the crowd began to clap, her eyes looking to Johnny as he stood there with Leticia and their adopted son Joseph, a smile on their faces as she couldn't believe how their lives had changed in the past four years.

Camille had grown tired of watching the corruption of the cartel invade Santo Padre, which inspired her to run and win for Mayor at just 32 years old. Her life had been in danger from the moment she had been sworn in since she had vowed to bring the cartel and the criminal activities at the border to an end. At first, the Mayans MC and the Sons of anarchy had fought her tooth and nail, but she was able to finally convince them to move away from drugs and guns.

She watched with Johnny as the ribbon was cut, tears filling her eyes as she never thought that her life could become so incredible, especially in five short years. She was a mother to a beautiful son, wonderful step-children and she had taken a town on the brink of collapse and turned it into a thriving metropolis.

Johnny had always supported her, even when his MC brothers were considered her enemies and not her family. Camille knew that she still had a long road ahead to fix the issues of Santo padre, but she knew that as long as she had her loving husband by her side, anything was possible.


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE FOR THIS STORY! When I first posted this story I had no idea what it would become and I thank all of you for all the love for this story! I've been working on a new coco Cruz story which is why I haven't been able to post this final chapter so be on the lookout for that! Once again thank you all so much! 

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