#90 YouTuber You Watch Together And Why

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have i done this one before? idk anymore guys but whatever.

Ashton (Age 13): Tyler Oakle

You had discovered Tyler's videos a while ago, and instantly fell in love. You showed Ashton one of his videos, and he just began to watch them with you. You loved Tyler's sense of humor and how quirky he was. Ashton thought he was funny, and that he was just entertaining to watch.

Luke (Age 15): danisnotonfire (and AmazingPhil)

Okay, but in reality what's not to love about Dan and Phil? You had found Phil first seeing as he had been on YouTube for longer than Dan had. Then you discovered danisnotonfire. You instantly fell in love with the both of them and their quirkiness. You showed Luke one of Dan's videos and he thought that Dan's awkwardness exemplified him really well. (And you both were major Phan shippers.)

Calum (Age 17): Mikey Murphy

You were a major fan of smaller YouTubers. Mikey had 301,000 subscribers, but he was adorable and you loved his ideas. He was really creative, and you were obsessed. (Not to mention you thought he was very attractive.) You were talking about him one day, and Calum was really confused and asked "Why are you talking about Mikey that way?" You then showed him one of Mikey Murphy's videos, and he really liked him too.

Michael (Age 16): Twaimz

Llamas. Is there anything else to say? Twaimz, otherwise known as Issa, was obsessed with llamas, and when you found him you watched all his videos and just about died from laughter. The one video you showed Mikey was his extended version of the Llama Song. Michael thought he was hilarious, and you began to watch all of his videos with Michael.

i freaking love twaimz, okay watch the llama song on the side / above. do it.

qotu; do you watch any youtubers with anyone else, what youtubers and with who?

aotu; i watch mirandasings with my mom and my sister, and me and tons of my friends watch Connor, Tyler, Troye, Dan, and Phil together at school. Andrew and Twaimz are two that I watch with my best friend, too. (:

Also! Oh my gosh can we just talk about the fact that this is the 90th preference in this book??? That's crazy! I absolutley love writing this preferences and I love you guys and this is amazing. Thank you so much for all of it. <3

-Sydnaynay xx

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