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Revna's POV:

   Being summoned by the All father and All mother themselves gives me a dreadful feeling. I haven't spoken to either one in years, what could they possibly want from me now? It's not like I've done something I shouldn't have, I've been alone for more than a thousand years.

In my seclusion I've had time to rest, sleeping for millennia's, Now my presence is being requested by the very rulers of Asgard.

I walk through the throne room doors, having rushed here when I heard of my summons. I quickly approach the throne and kneel.

"All father, All mother, I have come at your request."

"Thank you for coming Revna, and please call me Frigga. It has been so long since we last spoke."

"It's my pleasure Frigga. We must do some catching up."

"Yes we must. But first, the reason we've called you here is for our son, Loki." Oh yes, I had heard that he had been brought back after he'd tried to take over Midgard. "I believe that my sons mind had been tampered with. I don't believe that my son would be capable of such things unless he's been forced." A mother's perspective no doubt. I've heard of the way Loki acts, and from that I can say I'm not entirely surprised by his recent attempt.

"May I ask that you be specific of what you're asking from me Frigga."

"Revna, I want you to help my son. Do whatever you deem necessary, I just want my son back."

"I'm sorry I have to ask but, All father is this what you request of me as well?" The two share a glance, Frigga's emotions tell me that she's pleading through her eyes to him. The Allfather's emotions tell me he's already given in. He'd do anything for his wife, that much is clear.

"Yes Revna, Goddess of the mind. I too wish that you help our son."

"Then I shall do my utmost best. Please allow me to get started immediately."

"Of course Revna please do. The guards will lead you to the dungeons."

"Then I shall take my leave. Have a glorious day All father, All mother."

I stand and make my way out of the throne room. The guards that Frigga spoke of are already waiting for me. They don't speak they just turn and start walking. The walk to the dungeons was a quiet and quick one, but the closer we got the louder it got. I'm surprised that Odin would even dare to lock Loki up, I know how much Frigga adores him.

The guards lead me down the steps and to the first cell on our left. I'm overly glad that Loki's cell was not further down. The creatures kept here aren't exactly pleasant to look at.

"Leave me," I order the guards; they turn and leave. I step up to the cell and garner Loki's attention. "Hello your highness, my name is Revna. May I come in?" The prince doesn't even look up from his book that he's focused on. It seems I'll first have to gain his respect. This will take longer than I had hoped.

"What gives you the right to even speak to me? I am a prince after all, and you're nothing but a lowly..." looking up roughly during his speech, he seems to suddenly lose his will to speak. "Who are you?"

"I already introduced myself your highness. Were you not listening? My name is Revna."

"Of course I was listening. Who do you think you are to disrespect me?"

"Respect is earned your highness and so far, you've done nothing to earn mine."

"I am your prince! Respect shouldn't be something I have to earn!" Such a child.

"As far as I'm concerned you're nothing but a criminal. And seeing as you're in a cell, I'm not exactly wrong." He suddenly stands and bangs his fist against the magic barrier.

"When I'm released from here, I'll hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands."

"If you're released that is. You being released is solely up to me now your highness." His anger deflates as he looks at me with confusion.

"What are you on about. Mother would never give someone else such an authority."

"I am quite close with your mother and father. They believe that you've been mind controlled, and they asked that I break it." He backs away and starts laughing loudly.

"Mind control?! Ha! As if anyone could get into my mind."

"If you'd allow your highness, I very well could. Then we could be done here and both go back to our normal lives."

"Who are you to believe that you could actually enter my mind?!"

"I am Revna, the Goddess of the mind."

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