Beginning to trust

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Loki's POV:

   As I wake I'm accompanied by a raging headache. All I remember is suddenly feeling very ill, so ill in fact that my magic started misbehaving. Wrecking my cell more in the process.

The more consciousness I gain the more I realize I'm not alone. Who would possibly be by my side? Mother surely would not risk her own health to stay by my side the entirety of my illness. Father wouldn't even dare approach me, and Thor is off gods know where doing gods know what.

I slowly crack my heavy eyes open and glance to my left. A familiar face enters my vision, and I have a hard time understanding why she'd possibly be in my cell.

She suddenly groans lightly and opens her eyes, locking with mine immediately. She gasps and sits up quickly.

"Loki! You're awake!" She exclaims and grabs my face, twisting it different directions. No doubt to inspect my condition.

"Of course I'm awake. What's your problem?" She let's go of my face and backs off slightly.

"You mean? You don't remember what happened to you?" What happened? No actually, I have no clue how I even fell asleep in the first place.

"No, I don't. What did happen then?"

"You got incredibly sick with a high fever. You slept for two days straight." The only thing I could do was gape at her. There's no way I slept for two days straight, I feel completely fine.

"That makes no sense. I'm completely fine."

"Yeah now you are, but that's because I regularly gave you tonics made by your mother to lower your temperature. If not for those I'm not sure if you would have actually made it honestly. I know how excessive heat affects the frost giant race."

She's the one who helped me? No that can't be. Why would she do that? Is it just a ploy to gain my trust, so she can look in my head? But why go so far? It makes entirely no sense. What game is this woman playing with me?

"So you helped... What exactly do you want in return for this?"

"As hard as it may be to believe, I just want your trust Loki. I'm not going to look into your mind without explicit permission from yourself. I'm not that type of person." I want to believe her, I truly do, but I don't know if I can. My trust has been betray too many times to start believing in others now. I don't know what to do. "Anyways, I'm going to go and get you some fresh clothes while you bathe. You haven't bathed in awhile."

She's correct of course, if what she says is true and I was asleep for two days straight. Then it's been about six days since I've bathed last. She was probably quite disgusted.

As she leaves I slowly lift myself up and head off towards the smaller room that acts as a restroom. Quickly striping and lowering into the warm bath water, a sigh escapes me. It feels lovely to relax, I hadn't realized how tense I'd been. Being around lady Revna always has me feeling self conscious, something about the way she carries herself and doesn't express her hatred for me.

I'd like to think that maybe she doesn't dislike me, seemingly like everyone else, but there's no way that's possible. No one could ever truly like me. I'm meant to be alone my entire life, my whole existence is a stepping stone for others. What good could possibly liking me bring? Non, it would only most likely bring pain and misery. Just like I know being me has.

I'm brought out of my inner truths by the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Loki, I've got your clothes. Where would you like them?"

"In here if you would." I lower myself further under the water, so nothing is on display for the woman. It's not like she'd enjoy it anyway.

She walks through the door and smiles lightly at myself and then places the clothes on the small counter space present.

Why isn't she leaving? She's just standing there, looking as if she's zoning out.

"Are you planning on staying for the show, lady Revna?" She snaps out of her daze and looks straight at me. Most woman would blush at the accusation, yet she just stands there as if she's thinking about it.

"Would you like me to wash your hair?" The questions completely catches be off guard, the only thing bringing me back is the feeling of her hands in my hair. I jerk forward, trying to release myself from her hands. Instead she keeps a tight grip and pulls my head back by my hair, not exactly gently but thankfully not aggressively.

For a being that's always cold, I can feel my face steadily growing warmer.

"Has no one washed your hair before Loki?" The feeling of her hands sifting through my hair is quite relaxing actually.

"My mother did a few times when I was younger, but that was a long time ago."

"I see, well I hope you enjoy it then."

She continues her thorough washing and afterwards takes her leave. Leaving me to get out and dry and dress myself. Not that I would have wanted her to stay or anything. It's just her company has at some point become welcome. I'm not sure how I should feel about this. This woman is getting close to me, but I can't force myself to stop it, at least not yet. 

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