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Revna's POV:

   It's been four days and I've decided it's time to revisit Loki. The guards informed me that he'd asked about me on more than one occasion. I'm going to take this as a good thing, and hope he's ready to at least have a decent conversation with me.

I make my way into the dungeons and stand before Loki's cell. He looks as if he hasn't showered since I last saw him. The fight with his mother must have taken a bigger toll then I'd realized.

"Your highness, when was the last time you'd bathed?" His head slowly lifts up to stare me down.

"And where have you been?"

"Indulging myself actually. I haven't seen Asgard in over a thousands years. I thought I'd have a look around, so I did just that."

"You had a look around... for four days?" He sighs heavily and leans his head back against the wall. "Gods... I feel disgusting." I tilt my head to the side and chuckle, I hadn't expected him to be so blunt. He opens his eyes to glare at me from his same position. "Why are you laughing?"

"Well you obviously did something that I found funny. Don't worry it's nothing bad." It was actually quite cute, I like this more relaxed side of him.

"Don't mock me woman."

"I'm not mocking you, your highness. You needn't worry yourself."

"Why do you call me that?"

"What? Your highness?"

"Yes that, if you don't respect me as you say. Then why refer to me with a title that garners respect?"

"That's an interesting question. I suppose I do naturally hold some respect for you, seeing as you are the son of a dear friend of mine; and of course an actual prince. It would be highly rude if I called you by your name without further permission."

"I see, so you're kind to me because of my mother?"

"Partially yes. I respect your mother greatly, so it's only natural that I respect you as her child. But I want to make it clear that I would have been kind to you if there were different circumstances. I'm not one to judge someone based on what I've heard alone."

"That's good to hear... and you may."

"Pardon me?"

"Call me by my name. Hearing your highness non stop is annoying."

"If you insist, I shall call you Loki then." He smiles slightly and shift his body to get more comfortable. He seems tired enough that I may be able to get something out of him. "May I come in?"

"No you may not. I know exactly what you want from me. You want me to let my guard down so you can get inside my head. Well sorry to inform you it won't be happening any time soon."

"You do know that I technically have to be touching you to enter your mind? So there's no way I could read your mind from across a room."

"It doesn't matter. I don't trust you." 

"And what exactly does one do to earn your trust, Loki?"

"Not try to get close to me to enter my mind for one."

"You're hilarious Loki. Have you ever thought that maybe I would actually like to get close to you? And not just to enter your mind either, I would very much like to be your friend." His eyes open in shock and he simply stares at me. It's not long before he starts laughing hysterically, and wiping pretend tears from his eyes.

"That's... that's a really good one. You almost had me there."

"I'm not lying to you Loki. We've been through this I've no reason to lie to you."

"What other reason then to try and get inside my mind!"

"If I had come to you wanting to be your friend, and there was no plan to look through your mind. Can you honestly say you wouldn't have turned me away?" He suddenly quiets and closes his eyes, sighing, he doesn't answer. "That's exactly what I thought. Please understand I'm doing this for your mother; and if by the end of this, you want nothing to do with me in any way. I'll leave without a word."

He remains silent for the next few minutes, allowing me to process that entire interaction. It seems I'm growing fond of the boy, I wonder how this'll turn out?

I refocus and turn to leave. If he's got nothing to say then there's no point in me staying any longer today.

"Goodbye for the day Loki, I'll return tomorrow. Is there anything you'd like?" He scoffs and continues looking elsewhere. It seems he quite likes being petty and child-like. Without a word more I walk from the dungeons and outside to one of the rose gardens.

Frigga's favorite flower happens to be a rose, and when Odin found out, you've no doubt he'd created many gardens for her.

This one in particular though is one of my favorite places to be on Asgard. You almost get a complete view of the entire place, but the best part is, is that you can see the entire bridge leading to the bifrost. The bridge is a view that I will never get over seeing, the way it shimmers, and the colors dancing off of it, it's magnificent.

Maybe in a few weeks, I can convince Odin to allow me to take Loki for a bit of a walk around outside.

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