Newfound attraction

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Revna's POV:

  The day after Loki and I's little walk around Asgard I visited him again, only to be ignored. It seems he's taking our new found attraction to one another hard. Though I highly doubt he knows or even thinks that I feel the same, he can't read emotions like I can.

I doubt he even knows that I'm aware of his growing feelings, or at least not yet. He'll remember soon enough that I can read his emotions. After that, he'll most likely push me away even more then he has already.

I let out a small sigh and make my way back to my chambers. Maybe a relaxing evening with a book and some alcohol will help me figure something out. 


I giggle loudly at something that happened in my book and proceed to continue on. I forgot how strong Asgardian alcohol was. At this point I'm hardly even reading the book, too intoxicated to pay attention to it properly.

I glance to my right and realize it's already pitch black out, how long had I been drinking and reading? I set my book on the small table next to my chair and go to stand up. Thankfully my alcohol tolerance is quite high or I would have fallen over.

I look over at my bed and realize that I'm far from tired, and instead wanting to explore. I tell myself it's a bad idea, especially while drunk, but then I giggle and realize I don't care currently. Besides it's not like I haven't done it before; I used to do this often when I lived here last, it was very fun.

I walk to my door and crack it open, looking out to see if anyone was around. I knew deep down that I wouldn't get into trouble, but the thought of sneaking around and possibly getting caught made it all the more fun.

I open my door fully and run down the right corridor. Drunk exploring is so much fun, it's like you know where everything is but at the same time you have no clue. So it's like you're finding new places you've never been, but you know where everything is already.

I run towards the kitchen and quickly steal a few pieces of cake and continue on with my mission. The dungeons being my next stop. The guards are where they usually are, standing on either side of the stairwell. I sneak up to the one on the right and, using my powers make him sleep. Catching him before he hits the ground. I place him down softly and do the same to the one on the left, this time allowing him to crash onto the floor.

I rush down the stairs and towards Loki's cell. I peer in and see him deeply asleep; it's time to change that. I walk through the barrier and place the cakes down on a small table in the middle of the room.

I tiptoe up to his resting body and poke his cheek. His hand come up and swats at my own, still not waking up. I once again poke him in the cheek, which I continuously do until his eyes blink open tiredly.

His head rolls my way and his eyes widen. His mouth opens and closes trying to find the right words to say. Not finding any he just sits up and raises a single eyebrow at me.

"Hey," I say with a snort. I'm going to regret this decision in the morning, but right now, I'm having way too much fun.

"Are you drunk right now?"

"Whaa.. haha, no."

"You're doing a terrible job of convincing me. What is wrong with you? Why are you here?"

"Well that's rude, maybe I just wanted to hang out with my friend that's been ignoring me these past couple of days when I visit him. Sound like anyone you may know?" I say somewhat snottily, but I'm serious, he's being very selfish.

"What does it matter to you? And who said we were friends?"

"You're being very rude Loki. You forget that I can read emotions don't you?" His eyes suddenly grow huge and his face bright red. He puts his head in his hands hoping to hide his embarrassment, but once again, I can just feel it anyway.

"So then you're aware of my... newly found... feelings?"

"Yes, I'm aware."

"So you're going to leave me then?" His hands slide off his face, showing how upset he is about this whole situation. He doesn't want to be left. All he's ever wanted in life is someone to stay by his side, to be on his side.

"No Loki, I don't plan on leaving any time soon." His eyes water and he wipes them quickly. I suppose I've broken down his walls then, I very much like this side of him.

"You're lying, you're drunk, you.. you don't mean that." The tears fall without his permission and land softly on his hands located in his lap.

I sigh and grab his face in my hands, wiping the fresh tears away.

"I'm not as drunk as I seem Loki. I'm Asgardian and a pretty old one at that, alcohol barely does anything to me. But if you don't believe me, I'll go to my chambers, sleep it off, and then come back in the morning and say it again." He sniffles and grabs my hands, pulling them from his face. His entire body is shaking with a deep sadness and agony.

"Yes you do that, but don't bother coming back in the morning. Don't bother coming back at all, I don't want to see you." He wipes the tears off his face aggressively and glares heavily at me. "I hate you, I don't have any sort of feelings for you, and I never will. Who could possibly love you, I know I would never." He stands almost robotically and enters his bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

That entire little show wasn't of much help to his case. I can read emotions for gods sake! I know he's lying! I know he's hopelessly scared of what will happen if he lets himself care for me in such a manor. I can tell whatever he's keeping inside is also a big reason as to why he won't allow himself this comfort. He's scared for everyone's safety, and for his life.

Whatever it is, I swear now to myself and to Loki, I'll never leave him. I'll stay by his side no matter what, through thick and thin. I'll always be there to help him. Even if he pushes me away.

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