Solely eachothers

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Revna's POV:

    "I'm going to bathe, I feel gross after sleeping outside." I state, already moving towards the bathroom.

"Care for company?" I chuckle, the door already half closed.

"If you can keep your hands to yourself then yes. Otherwise, you'll have to wait till I'm done." He chokes on his saliva and starts coughing. I laugh and close the door behind me.

After I've already undressed and settled myself in the warm water I hear the distinct sound of the door opening. I look over my shoulder to see Loki opening the door slightly, eyes pointed away from myself.

"Were you being serious, or?" I snicker and see his face turn red.

"Of course you can join me Loki. Though if you're gonna turn red before you even get in, it may not be a good idea." I tease with a smirk, seeing his face get redder from the comment.

Looking up with a determined look in his eyes he fully opens the door and walks in, closing it behind him. He comes to stand directly in front of me and starts stripping out of his attire, giving me a perfect view really.

He starts with his top half, working his way down. Seems someone wants to give me a show. By the time he was done, he just stood there waiting for me to end my obvious staring at him.

"Now who's blushing?" I look up and laugh lowly.

"Oh I know I am, you're sexy Loki. Besides that pretty blush of yours goes down further then I thought it would." I smirk and motion him to join me. He lowers himself into the water, keeping some semblance of distance between the two of us. "First time?" I joke to lighten the mood a little; he was practically shaking with nerves.

He looks over at me exasperatedly, and glares half-heartedly.

"Nows not the time for a joke Revna. It's hard to control myself around you while you're clothed. Imagine how I feel now that I can see you naked right beside me but can't touch. It's like dangling candy in front of a child." He states with a pout and crosses his arms.

"Yes you do seem to be acting like a child. Good boys get rewarded Loki." I whisper while slowly making my way closer to him, my hand reaching out to rest on his bicep. His entire body seems to freeze up at my touch, goosebumps rising underneath my hand.

"What are you doing Revna?" The whisper barely audible coming from his mouth. I shush him and let my hand trail up to his shoulder then to the middle of his chest, slowly trailing it down. His breath noticeably hitches and I can clearly see through the water that I'm having an effect on him.

"I only said that you couldn't touch, didn't I." I ask rhetorically and firmly grasp his hard dick. He gasps loudly, throwing his head back with wide eyes. Not waiting for him to truly focus in, I slowly work my hand up and down. His head snaps over to me and he gapes.

"Rev... Revna, you can't be serious?" Instead of answering him I simply quicken my hand. He inhaled roughly and tilts his head back, giving into the pleasure. "Mmmh, shit." I twist my hand and once again pick up the pace. "Nghh, I'm close." I continue with my hand, using both to help him reach his orgasm.

"Are you going to cum Loki?" He pants and nods his head unable to speak. "That's good, cum for me Loki." He sucks in a breath and arches his back off the wall of the tub. His dick twitches in my hand as he cums beneath the water. He lowers himself back into the water fully, still breathing heavily. His legs were shaking, making the water slosh about. "Damn. That was hot." I said with a chuckle while standing up and exiting the bath.

Next thing I know my feet aren't touching the ground anymore and arms are situated around my waist. Before I can comprehend what's happening I'm suddenly underneath Loki on his over-sized bed, his eyes gleaming with hunger.

"This is your only time to back out of this Revna. If we go on I won't be able to stop." I heave a deep breath and bring my hands up to cup his cheeks, still trapped beneath his body.

"If I didn't want this I would not have provoked you otherwise Loki. You're free to do as you please, just keep the marks below the collar please." I'm not rewarded a response, only gasping as hands immediately go to explore my entire body.

Hot lips pressing against my own, Loki slowly insert one of his deliciously long fingers inside my wet heat. I groan softly underneath him, allowing his tongue in to explore my mouth at his leisure; biting his lip when a second finger joins the first.

"Loki," I moan breathlessly as he trails rough kisses down my neck.

"You're beautiful Revna." He huffs out as his mouth stops, hovering over my clit. Making eye contact with my before he lowers his mouth and starts softly sucking on my clit, as well as continuing the movement of his fingers. "Now cum for me love." After the command he doubles his efforts and starts roughly sucking my clit and pumping his fingers into me.

"Oh! Oh Loki!" I arch off the bed and roughly grab his long black hair between my fingers, pulling momentarily. Before I'm focused back in, I get the feeling of his thick length stretching myself as he slowly thrust into me. "Mmh," I wind my arms around his neck and pull his body on top of my own.

As he bottoms out I grasp his face and kiss him softly. I wrap my legs tightly around his waist and tentatively push him further down onto myself. He groans and starts experimentally thrusting, finding a good pace and searching for the thing that'll drive me wild.

He found it quicker then I'd expected and I was suddenly moaning much louder then earlier. I unabashedly ran my finger nails up his back, leaving marks of my own.

"Revna, I'm... close."

"Me... too..." I pant out, sweat dripping between both our bodies.

I reach my own climax before he does, arching off the bed, scratching his back, drawing blood. My mouth opens with an inaudible shout as I climax hard, my pussy squeezing down on Loki.

"Shit..." He continues to chase his own climax, about to pull out when I tighten my legs around his waist. His eyes widen and looks at me with surprise. "What are you doing Revna." I lick my lips and look him in the eyes.

"Cum inside Loki. This is the only time I'll let you, so better not waste it." I smirk when his throat involuntarily flex's, forcing him to swallow.

I use my own position to continue where he'd left off, thrusting up into him the best I could. He shakes his head and his emotions erratically change. Not allowing me to catch onto any of them at the moment.

His eyes focus back in and he roughly meets my own small thrust, causing me to gasp loudly.

"As you wish my lady." He purrs and is suddenly back to his earlier pace, causing my body to quiver from the overstimulation. He licks his thumb and places it against my clit, working me towards my third climax of the night.

Finally falling over the edge of my third climax, my tightening around him must have been what he needed as I feel him freeze deep inside me and release. Warmth spreads throughout me as his seed coats my inner walls; both of us coming down from the high together.

He lowers himself to the side of me, breathing heavily with his eyes closed. He suddenly chuckles loudly and rubs his face.

"You're something else entirely Revna."

"I'll take that as a compliment darling." 

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