A cute blush

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Revna's POV: 

      The next day comes quickly, and I find myself heading straight to the dungeons with food for myself and Loki. I'm not really sure what he eats, but I do know that he hasn't gotten anything as of yet.

I go to pass by the guards and both shove their arms in front of me. Stopping me from moving any further.

"The prince has already received his breakfast this morning." I let out a sigh and glance up at the guard.

"Now, I know for a fact that he hasn't. I don't appreciate you trying to starve your own prince, and I'm sure the All father and All mother would agree with me." The guards quickly drop their arms and one clears his throat.

"I apologize my lady. It seems we were mistaken."

"Yes it seems you were. Try not to let it happen again." I drone and swiftly pass the two. I'll have to keep my eye on Loki more often then I have been. If that little display tells me anything, they've probably been stealing his meals if I had to guess.

I continue down the stairs to his cell and plop his meal through a small entryway. From the sound I made he looks up and his eyes widen slightly.

"I didn't expect you to show up so early, much less with food." He stands and makes his way towards the plate. Once he gets to it he sits and starts shoving food in his mouth. Seems it's been some time since he's actually been fed.

"How long has it been since you've been properly fed?" His head shoots up and he looks surprised. He shifts uncomfortably in his spot and looks away. He practically radiates with anxiety and a small amount of shame. For what, I wouldn't know.

"I apologize for the unsightly display. It has been a few days since I've gotten a full meal." Oh that's why. Wow, he's adorable.

"No need to feel bad, you're hungry." I grab my plate and hand the rest off to him. "I can't eat anymore anyway." I say after he looks at me incredulously.

"I...I couldn't possibly take a lady's food."

"Oh so I'm a lady now? I thought I was just a woman?" His face lights up with a soft red at the accusation.

"I admit that I shouldn't have behaved that way. I apologize for speaking to you in such a manor. My mother would be very disappointed if she heard of the way I've treated you."

"Well it's a good thing I hadn't told her then. I appreciate your apology, and I definitely forgive you." I smile softy at him and he returns it with a small one of his own. He seems to be warming up to me, that's a good thing.

He finished the food swiftly and slides the plates back out to myself.

"Thank you lady Revna."

"Oh. You actually know my name. I'm surprised." I end with a small chuckle, meaning it as a joke.

"Of course I know your name. I'm not as rude as to forget someone's name." He glared at me looking disgruntled.

"It was a joke Loki. I was just messing with you, please calm down. I didn't mean to upset you." He sighs and suddenly looks almost awkward. His emotions give him away; he feels bad for assuming I was trying to be rude. "Don't feel bad Loki. I understand you aren't used to jokes."

He scoffs and looks away, "I don't feel bad about anything." I snicker and try to cover up my laugh with my hand. His head shoots back towards me and his eyebrows pull into a frown. "Why are you laughing? Nothing that I said was funny."

"I'm sorry, it's just you're trying to pretend that you don't feel bad, but you forget that I can read your emotions. It's cute." I finish with a chuckle, not realizing what I just said.

"W...what did you just say?" I look up hearing his stutter, seeing his entire face bright red.

"That I can read your emotions?"

"N..no after that..."

"After that..." I suddenly realize what I had said and send him a small smirk. His eyes widen and his face remains the same red color as before. "I said it's cute." He didn't respond, just started at me like I was crazy.

"You... you.. you." Feeling speechless he looks away and stays silent. His emotions change to embarrassed and shy, which manages to just make me think he's even cuter.

I stand up with a chuckle, "I'll see you tomorrow Loki. I'll make sure to have your food properly delivered to you as well." He doesn't say anything, seemingly lost in his own mind.

I wonder what it'll take to get him to trust me? I want to understand him, get to know the real him. His broken self is steadily appearing the more I talk to him. I have a feeling I'm slowly but surely breaking down his high walls.

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