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Loki's POV:

       The minute Revna got comfortable she drifted off into a heavy sleep. Her body fully relaxing against my own. I never thought a person could be so comfortable around me.

Most people when they even see me go the opposite direction, or stare and whisper rude things about me. They always think I can't hear them, how wrong they are to assume that. I always hear what they're saying. Sometimes I wish I could just shut it out, but it just sticks with me, constantly nagging at the back of my head.

Which is why I'm so grateful to have someone as kind and considerate as Revna in my life. It was so sudden that I didn't realize that I'd fallen for her until I almost lost her, all because of my own fears.

Revna shifts slightly in her sleep, bringing herself impossibly closer to my body. I don't deserve someone as glorious as this woman, she's completely fantastic. Everything about her is simply heavenly, her looks, her personality, her existence is phenomenal.

I look out the far window in my room and realize it's pitch black out. Tonight would be the first night since I was locked up that I've slept the whole night. Most nights I'd stay up late thinking about anything that'd come to mind really.

I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of Revna's even breathing and slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.


I woke to the feeling of small lips pressing against my face, anywhere they could reach. I grab the hips that are sat over my own and open my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I question lowly, my morning voice on full display. Her eyes widen slightly and she shifts her weight slightly, clearly a reaction to my voice. I smirk but allow her to think I'm unaware.

"Waking you, obviously. The maids have been by twice now, wondering when we'd wake. So I decided I'd wake you myself."

"I could get used to being awoken in such a manor."

"I'm sure you could," she replied giggling. Her laugh is melodious, something I'm going to have to hear more often.

She slaps my covered chest and sits up, stretching sexily. Her back arches and she lets out an adorable squeaking noise, arms high in the air. She throws her legs over the side of my bed and struts towards the bathroom, leaving me staring at her backside as she does so.

The sound of the door closing brings me back to reality and I suddenly get the urge to join her. I don't act upon it though, knowing full well she wouldn't approve of my actions. Instead I quickly use my magic to clean myself and dress. Some call it cheating, I call it using my resources.

By the time I've sat myself down on the small couch occupying part of my room, there's noise that leads me to believe she's just gotten into the bath. So as I wait, I read.

It wasn't long for her to finish up, she was surprisingly quick about it. When she came out I could feel my jaw drop. She came out wearing and all green gown with black detailing; my colors. Her hair was hanging off to the side down to her hip in a simple braid; she radiated power. She laughs slightly and does a twirl, looking down at herself and then back up.

"How do I look?" I stand and walk up to her, giving her a peck on the lips.

"Absolutely ravishing Revna." For once in my life, I wasn't lying, she looked enchanting. The colors fit her so well, like she was meant to wear them.

I look into her eyes and see them practically shinning, and I know I said the right thing.

"Such a way with words you have, Loki. I could get used to such compliments."

"And you will Revna, you deserve that much." I say while taking her hands into mine. "You're perfect, and I'm very lucky to have you." She smiles brightly and kisses my cheek.

"You may not believe it, but I'm also lucky to have you Loki. You're amazing." I reply with a small smile and bend down to kiss her right hand.

"Shall I take you somewhere my lady?"

"Oh, and where exactly would that be, my prince?" She giggles and stifles it with the back of her other hand, trying to maintain her serious expression.

"Well my lady you'll just have to come along, it's to be a surprise."

"A surprise from the prince himself. I certainly can't wait."

"Then will you give me the pleasure of allowing me to escort you my lady?" I questions as I hold out my hand.

"It would be my greatest honor, prince Loki." She reply's just as mockingly, and places her soft hand into my own. I grasp it gently and lead her out of my chambers, I can't wait to show her what I have in store.

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