Never return

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Loki's POV:

      It's been a week since I last heard from Revna. I'm disgusted by the way I acted, but it had to be done. I couldn't have her getting any closer to myself, it would have ended horribly for the both of us.

I'm sat in my cell on the ground, back against the far wall. My eyes are dry, swollen, and no doubt extremely red. I've been crying for days it feels like. How had I become so attached to her so quickly? It makes no sense to me.

Soft footfalls catch my attention and I raise my head, hoping she'd returned to me. My hope diminishes when I see my mother standing there, though it is nice to finally see her after so long.

"My son," she gently says, approaching me as if I'm some wounded animal. "Whats got you so upset dear?" Like she doesn't already know.

"You know... exactly what's wrong mother. Why did you send her to me in the first place? You should've known I'd never give in, so why?" She sighs and sits gracefully beside me.

"Loki dear, it's because I knew the two of you were meant to be together. I saw it, and when I saw you so different and hiding something from me, I knew I had to bring her here." She saw us together? She knew we were meant to be? I... I don't understand, so this whole time I'd been pushing the one I'm suppose to be with away?

"Oh gods, I think I'm going to be sick. Mother where is she? Is she ok?" I frantically ask, what have I done? I've pushed away the one constant in my life, how will I fix this? No, I can't fix this, I don't deserve her in the slightest.

"No need to fret dear. She's doing just fine, she didn't visit because she felt you'd need some time to yourself." Even after all I said to her, she still thinks considerately towards me. I wish I could stay in her life.

"I see, please tell her that I wish for her to never return." I say and glare at the floor. It's for the best is what I tell myself, but deep down, I know it's the worst decision I'll ever make.

"Loki dear. You don't mean that. Say you don't mean that."

"I mean exactly what I said mother. I do not wish to see her."

"Loki, please don't push either of us away. Why won't you allow us into your heart? What's ailing you so?"

"It's not something you or that woman should be concerning yourselves with."

"Loki please rethink this. You are going to far."

"I've nothing to rethink mother. Now leave me." She opens her mouth to retort, but quickly decides against it. With grace she stands and exits my cell. Sparing me a heartbroken glance and then walking off.

By the time she's walked up the stairs, silent tears make there way down my face. Leaving shiny tracks in their wake.

I hate myself for not being able to give Revna what she wants. I hate myself for not being brave enough to just tell her what's wrong. I hate myself for assuming the worst in every person. And I hate myself for falling in love with  someone that I don't deserve.


Revna's POV:

    This week that has passed since I'd seen Loki, was one of the slowest weeks I've had since I'd come to the palace. It just feels so empty not being around him. My chest feels heavy not being close to him.

I think I've fallen for the younger boy. I'm not sure how I should go about this? Should I confess, or just leave it be? I've never had any feelings for another before.

I think it's best to confess, but I'll wait awhile. It's best he comes to terms with it first before I suddenly drop that on him. He probably won't even believe me anyway. So I'll most likely have to do something to convince him, but what? I'll figure it out later I guess.

Right now though I'm planning on a small trip to Loki's chambers. Yes I'm fully aware of how rude it is to snoop, but I haven't seen him in forever and it's wearing me down.


I slip through his doors easily and my mouth drops in shock. His room is massive. He's practically got a whole house as his actual room. There's also two other doors on either side of his room. Going to the left first reveals an unnaturally large bathroom, and the one off to the right reveals a large library. I spin around in awe at the size of the library, it's beautiful, and completely full with an assortment of books.

I leave the large room and head back to the main part of his room. Everything is gold with slight accents of green, which is really no surprise. His bed is about three times the size of my own, with plush looking green blankets. I walk towards it and sit down on the edge. Just by sitting my whole body practically sinks.

I lay back and take a deep breath through my nose. His own unique sent washes over me and a comfortable warmth engulfs my entire being.

Fully laying down in the center of his bed my whole body relaxes and I feel myself quickly getting closer to falling asleep. I tell myself he wouldn't be happy to know I fell asleep in his bed, but I haven't the time to actually move because I lose the fight against consciousness. Drifting to sleep in his heavenly bed, snuggled underneath his blankets, surrounded by his scent. The perfect way to sleep really.

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