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Revna's POV:

      I can't say I'm a big fan of surprises, but since Loki seemed so excited about it, I decided to indulge him.

After he lead me out of his room, we walked out through the back entrance of the palace. Which reminded me of the last time we had went for a walk this way. I tried to stop him, saying he wasn't aloud outside yet, but it fell upon deaf ears.

We had been walking through the same woods when he finally stopped and turned to me.

"Close your eyes." I looked at him incredulously.

"You want me to close my eyes? In the middle of the woods?" He gave me an exasperated look and gestured to himself.

"Yes I want you to close your eyes. Don't worry I'll help guide you so you don't run into anything or get lost." I sighed and gave in, there was no point in arguing with the boy, he'd win anyways. I closed my eyes and felt him move behind me. "Ok now start walking forward." He whispered into my ear causing a shiver to be sent down my spine.

He'd been guiding me around for a few minutes when he took his hands off my shoulders.

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"No! Not yet." Ok now I'm actually getting curious as to what this surprise is going to be. I hear a lot of shuffling, and then I hear the tell tale sound of him snapping his fingers.

"You didn't bring me out here just to play with your magic did you?" He scoffs and no doubt has an offended look on his face.

"You think so lowly of me Revna. I obviously brought you out here... for this." He walks up to me and tells me to open my eyes. I open my eyes quickly and my breath gets caught in my throat.

"Loki I... I don't know what to say." I manage to whisper through my shock. In front of me was a blanket sprawled out on the ground with an assortment of food and alcohol on top. There were some string lights hanging from different trees to add some light to the quickly darkening sky.

"Say you like it?"

"Like it.. I.. I love it Loki. It's beautiful." I say as I take the few steps forward needed to be able to sit down.

The both of us sit across from each other and enjoy the food in silence. By the time we've finished the food it was already completely black out.

"So how exactly are you planning on keeping this little date a secret. You're not really suppose to be outside the palace grounds you know."

"Nothing a little illusion can't fix darling, don't worry about it."

"If you say so, then I won't." The two of us relax back on the blanket and simple stare at the stars. "It's a beautiful night tonight."

"Indeed it is." I look over at him and gently caress his face.

"Thank you for this Loki. I've had a wonderful time with you." He smiles and gently kisses my lips.

"And I with you Revna. Without you my night would be barren of any type of stars." I giggle lightly, brushing a stray hair from his face.

"That was adorably cheesy, thank you."

"Anything for you Revna. Anything."


   The night had quickly turned day and I found myself waking up against Loki's firm chest. His chest rising up and down with soft even breaths. I take the time to really take him his whole appearance, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, appose to when he's awake.

Feeling eyes on him, he blinks his own open. He squints his eyes getting used to the sun then glancing my way.

"Good morning Revna," I smile wide.

"Good morning to you too Loki. How did you sleep?"

"Beautifully next to you darling."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." I chuckle and pat his chest, sitting up to look around. "It's been awhile, we should head back to the palace." He sighs and rises from the ground, offering his hand to me. I grab it and dust myself off.

"If you insist." He snaps his fingers and everything previously on the ground disappears. I grab his hand and lead the both of us back to the palace, walking as slow as possible.

When we finally make it to the back entrance of the palace Loki and I sneak as fast as possibly back to his chambers. As we arrive I'm startled when I see exact replicas of Loki and myself.

"Ah, I'd almost forgot about those."

"Well I did, oh my gods they scared me," I say with a hand over my chest. He laughs and quickly with a wave of his hand dispels them.

I look over to Loki and smile at him, he returns it easily. 

"Thank you Loki, I had an amazing time."

"Of course darling, as did I."

"I'm glad."

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