Time away

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Revna's POV:

     The way he yells at his mother with such aggression honestly makes me sad. Frigga does not deserve to be treated with such hostility. She has been nothing but loving to the boy. His mouth says one thing but his entire being feels differently. He hates speaking to his mother in such a way, hates making her upset at himself. The guilt and sadness that plague his being is the only thing keeping me from tearing the boy a new one.

I watch as Frigga leaves the dungeons with a wave of regret and pure sadness coming from herself. I feel horribly for her, I really do, she should not be feeling such emotions.

I turn back towards Loki's cell to see him trash the entire thing with a wave of his magic. His emotions of guilt and anger are so heavy I can feel them from where I'm hiding behind a wall.

I had originally sent Frigga in to speak to him so I could get a rise out of him, but I had not expected such a large reaction. There's something holding him back from allowing me to enter his mind. There's no way he'd push his mother away so aggressively if he hadn't something to hide.

Instead of approaching like I had planned after allowing Frigga to speak with him, it seems I should keep my distance for a few days. I've been nothing but a nuisance to the boy, and he could most likely use a break. The week before, with me just sitting and reading in front of him. Without speaking to him whatsoever was suppose to get him to lash out at me in such a manor. But the method was proving ineffective so I decided Frigga was the best alternative, and it seems I was very correct.

I swiftly turn away from the dungeons and make my way after Frigga. I feel bad after putting her into that situation, so now I shall comfort her the best I can. She hadn't made it very far because she had to stop and give herself a moment.

"Frigga, I apologize for putting you through that. I didn't realize he'd lash out that aggressively."

"No, it's quite alright Revna. The way my son is acting just proves he's keeping something from me."

"Indeed, I do now agree that he's hiding something. It must be very important if he's keeping it from you. I'll do my best to figure it out for you Frigga."

"Thank you Revna. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have a clue how to help my son."

"It's my pleasure Frigga. It's been forever since I've had the opportunity to help someone. I'm going to do my very best to help your son."

"And you're amazing for it Revna. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm very drained and need some rest. Have a lovely evening Revna."

"You as well Frigga, I'll continue to inform you of my progress." She rights herself and walks off towards her chambers. I can only assume having dealt with such hostility from her own son has caused her a lot of mental stress. Her entire demeanor tells me she's having a hard time processing what she's just been through.

I let out a soft sigh and make my way towards my own chambers. The walk is peaceful and quiet, which is one of my favorite things about the palace. It's always quiet and serene, it's truly a beautiful view just walking throughout it.

My chambers is among the more smaller of the many rooms in the palace. Thankfully I have the room all to myself. The maids having left after cleaning awhile ago. Each and every wall is decorated gold, as is the entirety of the room, but with slight accents of purple here and there. Frigga had made me choose an accent color for my room years ago, and so it hasn't changed since.

I walk into my private bathroom and quickly undress and lower myself into the hot water. The maids had prepared it before I had returned at my request, they insisted they help me, but I kindly declined. I prefer to bathe myself. I have scars I would rather keep secret, not that I'm ashamed of them, but people talk, and I don't need everyone knowing my business.

Towling myself off after my bath, I swiftly dress in a more comfortable night gown and throw my blonde hair up in a messy bun. I rush towards my bed and throw myself onto the top and groan. The beds are exceptionally comfortable, and large. My bed could fit at least eight of me's. The comfy-ness of the bed lulls me to sleep faster then I would like to admit to, but there's no point in fighting it, so I allow myself to drift off.


The morning comes and with it, it brings an annoying feeling. The feeling of waking up, I would rather stay in the comfort of this giant sized bed. Sleeping all day sounds like the best idea I've had in awhile. Even though before my presence was requested at the palace I'd been asleep for about a thousand years. Sleep is more than a hobby, it's a lifestyle, one I choose to follow very closely.

A knock brings me out of my sleepy state, it seems the maids have a completely different idea then I. Three maids quietly walk into my room and start pulling open curtains and ushering me out of my heavenly bed.

"Good morning Miss Revna. We are here to help you get ready."

"Yes I noticed. Though I'm fairly positive I mentioned I preferred doing my own dressing and such."

"Yes we had heard of that request, but unfortunately we can not give in to it. It is our job to help you with these sorts of things, please allow us to do so."

"Right," I quickly give in. It's not like they're wrong, and I wouldn't want Odin or Frigga being upset with their palace maids.

It doesn't take long for them to prepare me for the day. When they're done I'm standing in a lavender gown with my hair braided back, almost reaching past by butt. I'd meant to cut it years ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Is breakfast still going on at this time?"

"Yes Miss it is, would you like us to escort you?"

"Yes that would be wonderful. For the life of me I cannot remember the way."

"Please follow me then Miss." The smaller maid leads me out of my room and down the left corridor. She leads me straight towards the grand dining room and allows me to walk through the doors on my own. At the sound of the doors opening the entire room silences and glances up.

"Lady Revna, how lovely of you to join us." Odin exclaims throughout the room so everyone is aware of my name. Frigga sends me a smile and gestures for me to join her. I make my way towards her, getting many greetings and doing the same back.

"Revna, you haven't had the chance to meet my eldest son. Revna this is Thor, Thor this is Revna. She's here to assist in helping Loki."

"It's a pleasure to meet you lady Revna, I am Thor the god of thunder. I thank you for agreeing to help my brother."

"The pleasure's mine Thor, and it's no trouble at all. I'm starting to quite like the boy, he is very strong willed."

"Indeed, my brother isn't one to give in easily. I hope he hasn't been of too much trouble for you."

"Not yet he hasn't, but I assume the more I pry, the angrier he'll become." Seeing the looks on his and his mother's faces makes me chuckle lightly. "No need to worry, I know exactly what I'm doing." They both let off a wave of skepticism, but it slowly diminishes into acceptance; both their ways of feeling are very similar.

"When shall you visit him next? It's been a day yes?"

"Yes Frigga it has, I was planning on giving him  a few days. I've bugged him to last awhile, and plus, it gives me a few days to explore. I haven't been outside in forever it feels like."

"It has been a very long time since you've come to visit us Revna. I suppose you do need some time to yourself."

"Thank you Frigga." After our small talk everyone continues on with their own breakfast and banter. I found myself laughing at a lot of random things, it's been awhile since I've had a good laugh.

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