To be free

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Revna's POV:

    I rush out the dungeons and straight to the throne room. Seeing no point in announcing myself I simply push through the doors.

The doors opening roughly gathers the attention of everyone present. Which consist of Odin, Frigga, and Thor. I walk forward and kneel in front of the throne.

"Revna! What's the cause for your sudden arrival?"

"News on prince Loki's condition Frigga."

"Oh! Please continue then."

"I have explored throughout your sons mind, with his own permission of course. I have uncovered the truth Frigga."

"Please Revna, what ails my son?"

"Your son was controlled Frigga, by some other worldly being. The control was broken at the end of his battle on Midgard, when he hit his head. When he woke, he had no clue what was going on, only small snippets of what he had done. He kept this to himself out of fear."

The room sits in complete silence, no one moving a muscle. Frigga gasps and tears fall from her eyes. Odin seems completely unaffected, but his emotions give him away, he's very glad. Thor just stands there unmoving, not giving anything away with his outward appearance. But he's actually extremely happy his brother is innocent, he's also feeling guilty for not knowing that his brother was being controlled.

"May I ask what it is you plan on doing now your majesty? Now that you know the truth?" Odin seems to be think hard about whether or not he will free Loki, but I'm already smiling ear to ear. Frigga's looking at him in such a way that I just know he'll give in to letting Loki go.

"He'll be pardoned, but he will only be allowed throughout the palace. Nowhere else, is that clear?"

"Yes your majesty, I'll go deliver the good news." I stand from my kneeling position and hustle out the throne room. I make it to the dungeons in record time.

The minute I step down the stairs Loki is already waiting for me to approach his cell.

"Well? What's the verdict?"

"You're free!" His face lights up with a smile, "but," he frowns about ready to interrupt me when I send him a small glare shutting him up. "You are confined to the palace." He regains his smile and chuckles.

"That's not a problem darling."

"Good, cause you'd have to deal anyway." I laugh at his surprised face.

"You're so rude to me Revna. So when do I get set free?"

"Right now," I snap my fingers and the guards lower the magic barrier. He steps out slowly, waiting for it to suddenly pop back up before he can actually leave.

When both his feet have touched the ground in front of me he smiles and laughs lowly.

"Oh to be free again." I laugh with him, and grab his hand.

"I'm sure your mother would love to see you." I say while dragging him up and out of the dungeons, I'll hopefully never have to return back there again.

We both make our way to the medical wing side by side. As we enter Loki is immediately hugged by Frigga who had been waiting for us both.

"Oh my son, I'm so glad you're not imprisoned any longer. I couldn't bare to see you in there another day."

"It's good to see you as well mother." He hugs her back hesitantly, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. He lets go after a few more moments, reaching over and grabbing my hand. Needing someone to ground him in the now. Frigga watches with a knowing look and smiles softly.

"It's been a long day, why don't the two of you go rest for a bit?" We both nod our heads in agreement and head off towards Loki's chambers. I suddenly let out a snort, remembering that I had been staying in his room for almost two weeks. He looks over at me startled, not expecting me to burst into random laughter.

"Is there something wrong? Why did you suddenly start laughing like that?"

"It's... it's just that," not being about to finish I continue laughing. "You'll... you'll see when we get there." I manage out between laughs. He looks confused but continues walking towards his own chambers.

The minute he opens the doors to his room, he comes to a full stop. He looks around slightly, then look at my still laughing form.

"You've been in my room." He states with a small smile. Getting my laughter under control, I nod.

"Yeah, after you so rudely said you didn't want to see me again, I practically moved into your room." I said with sass and strut past him like I owned the place. "At this point it's basically my room." I look back to see him staring at me with a certain look. I chuckle and wag my finger at him. "Uh uh, don't be looking at me like that Loki."

"Like what?" He attempts an innocent look, but it's really not working.

"You know exactly how you're looking at me right now. It's not gonna happen." He sighs and looks away.

"You're right, I apologize. You're just so beautiful, I couldn't stop my thoughts from getting away from me."

"Yeah I'm sure you had no control over them. Anyway, would you like me to go back to my own room, or are you alright with me staying in here with you?"

"I would love it if you'd stay."

"Good, cause I didn't want to leave." I say stepping closer to him, the both of us in the middle of the room. "You're simply way to hard to be away from." I say with a smirk, him returning with his own. He closes the distance between the two of us and pulls me into a deep kiss, stealing my breath. Literally I had to pull away after a few minutes to actually breathe.

He goes in for another when I place my finger against his lips.

"No more Loki, I don't need you getting obsessed," I tease.

"It's way too late for that Revna. I'm already completely enamored by you, by your everything." I smile at him and kiss his cheek, moving away.

"That's good to know. It's getting dark, come lay with me." I say while patting the bed next to where I was lying down. He moves towards me with grace and with a flick of his finger both of our clothes have changed to more appropriate nightwear. He climbs in beside me and I lie against his side with my hand across his chest.

Finally relaxing, I realize just how tired I had actually become. So instead of staying awake to cuddle and talk more, I fell asleep before I could even get a word out. I fell asleep feeling warm, complete, and the feeling of being home was one I'd never forget.

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