Goddess of the mind

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Loki's POV:

   This woman thinks I'll fall for such a tactic. Goddess of the mind? Yeah right, I've never even heard of her before; and if she was close to mother then there's no doubt I would have.

"I'm the God of lies, you cannot lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you, your highness. I have no reason to." This woman speaks the truth, but why? Why would my mother even think such a thing? I can't have this woman getting any closer to myself. If she manages to enter my mind and uncover the truth. I don't even want to imagine what would happen.

"On what grounds does my mother have to assume my minds been altered?"

"Not very solid ones to be truthful, but as I said we are old friends. I will do this favor for her. So please make this easier on both of us and allow me to enter your mind."

"I will not permit some lowly woman to tramp around in my mind. Who knows what you'd do to me."

"I see, then I will take my leave. Please expect me tomorrow as well your highness."

"Don't bother." My glare follows her as she leaves.

This is getting complicated, if she is who she says she is, then it will be difficult to hide anything from her. I've never even heard about a Goddess of the mind, what do her abilities consist of? Just entering someone's mind? Or is there more to it then that? I'm going to have to do well to keep her at least outside of my cell. Who knows what's she capable of.


The woman returned the next day as she said she would. Though this time she didn't speak to me once. She just sat down against the magical barrier and read a book.


I do not like this woman. She's been here everyday for the past week and she hasn't spoken to me once after the first day. She just comes and reads for awhile then takes her leave without a word.


The level of disrespect this woman shows me is quickly getting on my nerves. She comes down here to my cell and doesn't even greet me properly, and when she leave she doesn't say a word. If tomorrow the woman doesn't speak to me, I will lecture her accordingly.


"You dare ignore me?! Where is your decency?! Your respect?! I'm a prince! A king!" This insignificant little Asgardian woman, she dare insult me in this manor. Because of her my own mother has yet to visit me this past week. There's no way she was telling the truth about being in charge of my release.

"Please lower your voice your highness, there are others present." She doesn't even spare me a glance, what's so good about that damned book she's reading? Why does she insist on ignoring me? Me! I have half a mind to attempt seducing the blonde haired, blue eyed woman, but I have a feeling she wouldn't take to kindly to that. Though... soon it may be my only option.

"What is it you want? Why come here everyday just to ignore me?" This woman is rapidly getting on my nerves.

"I was waiting for you to talk to me first your highness. Though I would have preferred if you hadn't yelled at me so rudely."

"It's your own fault for being yelled at. Your lack of respect when you entered or exited. Completely ignoring me as you sat and read at your own leisure." She still dare not look towards me, "look at me!"

"I'm afraid that's all the time I have for today your highness. I will surely visit again. Have a lovely evening."

"Leaving already? I thought we were getting somewhere there."

"No need to patronize your highness. Your emotions speak for themselves." What? My emotions? Does this have something to do with her power over the mind? Can she read emotions as well? If that's the case then I'm severely screwed.

She stood from her usual spot and started walking off. "Wait!" She didn't even hesitate to keep walking, how rude. Now what am I suppose to do? There's no way I can fight someone who can sense emotions and read minds. If I let her anywhere near my mind she'll immediately find something she shouldn't. Her being able to read my emotions is irritating enough.


The next day she neglected to show up. It seems she's had enough of me finally. I almost thought she would be one to come back, but when she didn't show at her normal time I resigned myself.

"Loki, my son how are you?" I twist my head sharply to the sound of my mothers voice. I hadn't expected her to visit.

"Mother, what are you doing here?"

"I felt horrible for not visiting you. Revna thought it would be a bad idea if I had."

"What gives her the right to order a queen around? You shouldn't listen to her so willingly mother."

"She means well Loki, plus I'm the one asking her to help. The least I could do was listen to her requests."

"Mother you are mistaken thinking that there's something wrong with me. This is how I've always been, and how I'll always be. You're to blind to see it apparently."

"A mother knows her son Loki. I know there's something wrong. Why you won't tell me, I haven't the slightest idea."

"It seems you're not hearing what I'm trying to tell you mother. You don't know anything about me! This is the real me mother! This is who I really am!" I bang my fists against the magic barrier, startling her. The slightest amount of guilt eats at me, but I remind myself that this is something that needs to be done. For her safety, for all of Asgard's safety, I must make myself out to be entirely vile. Even if that means my own mother turns to hate me.

"If that's what you wish Loki. For now I'll leave you to your own thoughts. I love you my son." And I you mother, I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me.

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