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Revna's POV:

"Please I'm asking that you allow me to do this."

"I am your king and will listen to me!"

"Yes I am listening, but please understand that locking him up isn't good for his health."

"I do not care! He's dangerous and could easily fool you! Leave now, and don't bother asking again!"

I sigh and leave the throne room. I should have seen that coming; I just feel bad for the boy. He's locked up without any sort of outside view, and no outside air. Everyone needs a little bit of sun every once and a while.

Odin has his own son on such a short leash. How am I suppose to get closer to Loki if I'm not allowed to at least take him places. Walk around with him! I'm getting absolutely nowhere with him, I need to do something drastic, something that will catch him off guard and surprise him.

Maybe I just enter without his permission anyway? It's not like he can kick me out, or walk off on his own. This is just so irritating, there's nothing I can do for him. If only he'd just give into me already, we could have been done with this, and he could have been let out already.

I make my way down to the dungeons and stop short, not believing my own eyes. Loki's cell is more trashed then before and he's lying down on his makeshift bed, face red and breathing heavily. It seems my wish has come true.

"Loki," I call out. Only to receive no response. Slowly gaining worry I slip through the magical barrier. I've not been in here before, nor have I been so close to him.

I softly rest my hand on his forehead, his skin is on fire. Which for frost giants I'm pretty sure that's considered very life threatening.

"Loki wake up," he's still unresponsive. I go to remove my hand only to have his own grab my wrist, keeping it steady and in place. "Loki, you've got a fever. How in the hell did you manage that?" He grunts lowly in response, seems he's too out of it to communicate properly.

I remove myself from his hold and quickly exit the barrier. This is my chance to gain his trust. I will do my best to nurse him back to health.

I run towards the medical wing and gather some supplies. Practically running into Frigga on my way out.

"Oh dear, Revna are you all right? Why so many medications?"

"Uhh, we'll your son somehow gained a fever. So I'm planning on gaining his trust through healing him?"

"I see, then maybe you should take some of the tonics instead. They'll most likely be of more help to you." She turns and opens a cabinet, trading the random things I'd grabbed out with the so called tonics.

"Thank you Frigga, I'll let you know how it goes."

"Yes please do. Oh and Revna? Take care of my son."

"With pleasure Frigga." I swiftly leave the healing ward and rush back to the dungeons.

I return to find Loki in the same position, looking even worse somehow. It'd only been ten minutes at the most, how could he already be worse? It must be his lineage, the heat does horrible things to the frost giant race.

I hurriedly make my way past the barrier and to Loki's side. Grabbing a tonic and lifting his head for him to drink.

"Drink this Loki, it should help you get to feeling better." He opens his mouth the slightest bit allowing some of the tonic to slip through his lips. It took a few minutes but Loki finally managed to get the whole thing down.

Now I sit and wait I suppose, I'm not really adept at taking care of sick people. Maybe I should have left this to Frigga instead? No, I need to be the one to do this, I need to gain his trust. I don't know when this started to actually matter to me, but now it's not just for Frigga, but also so I can know him more.

I wonder when it started being important to me that I gain his trust? I have found myself caring quite a bit about this young boy. He's intriguing, and strong willed, but at the same time he's broken and upset. He deserves to heal, and I only just wish that I could be of some help during the process.

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