Minds eye

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Revna's POV:

   I woke from a positively fantastic night of full rest. Now that Loki and I have worked some of this out, I feel as if a weight has been lifted from me.

I take my time getting from Loki's bed and washing up. Today I wore a golden gown with my hair up in a simple pony tail with a few Braids throughout it.

I make a swift exit, and head straight down to the dungeons. Loki immediately stands when he see me and comes to greet me when I pass through the barrier. He scoops me up in a soft hug and whispers a good morning in my ear.

"Good morning Loki," I reply when he sets me back down. "So would you like to wait a bit, or get right in it?"

"It's best we do it immediately, before I have time to reconsider."

"I want you to be comfortable Loki. So if you're not ready, don't fret about it."

"It's alright darling, I want you to do this."

"If it's what you wish." I grab his hand and lead him over to his bed. "It's best if we sit down." The both of us take a seat and get comfortable. "This may startle you, but just remember to keep your mind open to me."

He nods and gently place my hands on his head, my thumbs resting against his temple. I push my power through his mind and he audibly gasps. I feel around in his head, feeling his pain, feeling his loneliness. I feel tears running down my cheeks, but I don't stop.

I finally find where it is I need to go, having to push harder to enter that certain part of his mind.

I break through and feel myself gasping as I'm sucked into the memory.

I suddenly am in a very dark place, seemingly not on any planet I've ever been. I look down at my body, feeling very different, realizing I'm currently experiencing everything through Loki.

I can feel his hesitance, his fear, but I can tell he's hiding perfectly from.. whatever is currently slithering around in the dark. Suddenly I feel a pain starting from my right temple making it's way throughout my head and through my entire body. Then suddenly everything goes blank, flashes of the New York battle fly through my head, then I'm laying on the ground in unimaginable pain. I feel Loki's head look up and fill with confusion, but one glance outside the glass building tells him everything he needs to know.

To him that whole experience felt like a dream, then suddenly waking up and realizing it was true. He was in a state of shock, his body freezing.

His mind flashes back to the weird planet and he remembers his fear of whoever or whatever was behind his attacking of Midgard. So he decides to play off his feeling of regret and guilt, making it seem like it was his plan all along.

I'm brought back to the real world by the sound of Loki's groan. I quickly detach my hands from him and shake his shoulder. His eyes open and he looks surprised.

"I was there with you, but had no control over my body. How did you do that?"

"I couldn't really tell you, it's just something I've always been able to do. It kinda comes with the job." He chuckles at my small joke and grabs both my hands.

"Now what?"

"Well now, I tell your mother that you were under the influence of another essentially and then hopefully you get pardoned."

"And if I don't? Get pardoned that is."

"Well then I'll just have to break you out." I spoke seriously with a shrug. His eyes get big and his mouth opens and closes. "That's obviously a joke Loki. That's a horrible idea." A pouting expression takes over his face and he turns away from me.

"That's rude, I thought you were being serious."

"Seriously though, I'd just annoy Odin till he let you out. He has no reason not to, you're technically innocent."

"I suppose you're correct."

"When am I not?" I question while wrapping my arms around his neck. With the both of us still sitting down, I press my lips to his own and give him a small kiss. His face goes a soft shade of red; for a god you'd think he wouldn't be so embarrassed to be kissed. "You're cute when you blush, you know that."

"No I'm not."

"Sure you're not." I giggle and suddenly stand up. "Well I guess I'll deliver the good news."

"Yes please do, I want out of here as quick as possible." I smile and lean down for another quick kiss.

"I'll be back to tell you the news."

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