Taking chances

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Revna's POV:

    The next day I find myself crying softly in Loki's chambers. I know he means well, but the things he told his mother to tell me. At that moment it felt as if a knife found its way through my chest.

I've been in his room since Frigga approached me this morning, letting me know what was said. If he thinks I'm going to give up that easily, he's wrong, but for now my emotions are on the sensitive side. It's best I stay away for a bit longer, just to get my own head on right.


The next day I awoke with a terrible migraine and found it hard to leave the bed. My heart feels so heavy, it's as if I've lost something I'll never be able to get back. The difference here though is that I know for a fact that I'll get Loki back, whatever is takes, I will do it. After Frigga had spoken to me, she mentioned that she had dreamt of the two of us.. together. Which can only mean that we are meant to be together one day, so until that day arrives, I'll do my best to get closer to him.

I rose from Loki's soft bed and entered his bathroom. I haven't slept in my own room in about a week. I feel more comfortable, more at home in his room.

I strip and step into the warm waters, instantly relaxing. I take my time cleaning myself and getting ready. I dress in a dark purple gown and put my hair up in an intricate bun. It's time I visit Loki.

My walk to the dungeons was a slow one, I was nervous to see him after what I know he said about me. I didn't know how I was suppose to take his words, after the vow I made to him (not that he knows about it). I wouldn't dare leave his side because of something like this.

I nod my head to the guards, receiving two nods back. I stride down the steps and face Loki's cell. My eyes widen when I see the state the cell and himself are in, everything is in disarray.

At the sound of my small gasp his head slowly lifts up, his eyes glaring at me aggressively.

"What the hell are you doing down here? Hadn't I made it obvious I didn't want to see you ever again?" His voice was low and gravely; he'd been crying. His shoulders were slumped forward and his eyes were filled with unshed tears, bags almost black sat beneath his beautiful green eyes. His hair was a greasy mess, his clothes were rumpled and dirty. He looked worse for wear at this point.

His appearance only reinforced my resolve to help him. He looked like death, and I knew I had to do something drastic. I go to enter his cell when he stands and stalks forward, stopping me from entering.

"Do not come in here." He glares with both his hands on the barrier. "Why did you come here?! I don't want you here!" I tilt my head down and let my own tears fall down my cheeks. His eyes widen and he staggers backwards.

"I was worried for you." I sniff and keep my head down. I hadn't meant to start crying, but I couldn't help myself. I'd missed him so much and I can feel that he missed me just as much, if not more. However, he's fighting it, and that's what hurts. "Why do you fight our connection? I don't understand."

"Because... because you'll just end up leaving me like the rest." His head hangs low and his shoulders shake with tears of sadness.

"If you would have just given me the chance, I could have proved to you that I wouldn't be leaving you anytime soon."

"I... I want to believe you, I really do, but I just.. I just can't. I don't know."

"Take a chance Loki, take a chance on me." I say while approaching him. "Some rewards are worth the risk." I speak softly as I grab the sides of his face gently with my hands. He sniffs and looks into my eyes, blinking rapidly to rid the ever-flowing tears. "Trust me." I whisper as I decrease the distance between both of us. I now know what it is I have to do to get him to see me as someone he can rely on.

I tilt my head to the side and softly press my lips to his own. He jerks slightly, gasping; then slowly he melts into me and gently returns my kiss. Keeping it short and to the point I pull away, taking in his surprised but hopeful expression.

"You.. kissed me." I giggle softly.

"That I did. Do you understand now that I have absolutely no plans of leaving you. Ever."

"Why.. why me though? I'm a... I'm a monster. A bastard with nothing."

"You're much more then any of those things to me Loki. To me your a misguided man, who's just trying to keep up with the world. Who's never had someone by your side to help you through your tough times. I wanna be that person for you Loki, if you'd have me that is?" His demeanor changed so rapidly that I hadn't any time to react. He suddenly picked me up off my feet and squeezed me into a hug. My arms flew around his neck to steady myself.

"I'd love it if you'd be that person for me lady Revna." He smiles wide as he sets me back down. "You're too kind to me."

"Everyone deserves to be loved, and everyone deserves kindness."

"It's getting late, come back tomorrow. I have something I need to show you."

"Kicking me out already?" I tease with a laugh.

"As much as I would enjoy it if you stayed, it's probably not the best idea. You're very tempting, purple looks very good on you. Though I would definitely love to see green on you instead." My mouth drops open and I cackle.

"Did you just, did you just compliment me?"

"Why of course, you're beautiful." His face turns a light shade of red and he looks off to the right.

"Well you're not so bad yourself Loki. Anyway I'll make sure to come by tomorrow. Goodnight Loki."

"Goodnight lady Revna," he reply's with a small smile and the same red tint still on his face.

He's nervous about tomorrow, he must trust me enough to enter his mind finally. I wonder what it is that I'll see? I should prepare myself properly for anything.

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