A nice walk

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Revna's POV:

  I rush to the dungeons and through the magic barrier.

"Loki! Loki! Wake up!" I run up to him and start shaking him. He groans and opens his eyes in a glare.

"What could you possibly want. I was obviously sleeping."

"Well fine then. I guess I'll just go for a walk by myself." His entire body freezes and he shoots into a sitting position.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well since you want to sleep, I'll just have to go by myself." His entire body is still with confusion.

"Are you saying that I could go with you? Like as in get out of this cell for awhile?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. How about it?" His eyes widen and he quickly stands up grabbing my wrist and dragging me towards the barrier.

"Well what are we waiting for." I laugh and signal the guards to take the barrier down. In which they do so with much hesitance. It's not like I didn't get permission first, geez.

The both of us quickly walk out the back of the palace and start our way to.. anywhere really. We chose the backside so that the citizens didn't see Loki and freak out or something.


Walking peacefully through a small section of woods, Loki finally asks the question he'd been waiting to ask.

"How did you get my father to agree to this?"

"Well before I had found you deathly sick, I'd asked if I could take you for a walk."

"What am I a dog?"

"Don't interrupt me Loki it's rude." He grumbles a low sorry and motions for me to continue. "So basically I'd mentioned that it was very unhealthy to stay locked up for so long, he obviously didn't give in. But then I found you like that, and he reconsidered after you'd gotten better. Your mother also helped with the convincing. He can hardly say no to her."

"That's very true, he'd do anything for her." I stop and look at him expectantly when he too stops and looks back at me. "What? Why are looking at me like that?"

"Didn't Frigga ever teach you manners. I told you I basically got your father to give you a couple hours outside, and I don't even get a thank you. How rude." I say then continue on walking, brushing right past him. Before I get far though he's grasping my arm and turning me around to face him.

"You're completely right, I apologize for my disrespectful behavior. So thank you lady Revna. I appreciate what you've done for me." He says sincerely and stares into my eyes, waiting for myself to say something.

"You're very welcome Loki." I spoke softly, I never realized how beautiful he actually was. This is becoming dangerous... he's dangerous. His eyes being a bright emerald, his curly black hair down to his shoulders, perfect facial structure, he's gorgeous honestly. His entirety draws me in, I feel as though I'm suffocating whilst staring into his magnificent eyes. It gets even worse when I feel for a slight second, that he almost feels the same exact way while staring right back into my own eyes.

I clear my throat and step away from him, giving enough distance that I can barely feel anything coming from him anymore.

"Let's continue shall we? We only have a few hours left." He didn't respond, just started walking along side me.


After a few more hours it was time for the both of us to return, me to my changers for the night, and him.. back to his cell. We walk side by side back to the dungeons, walking in silence since our almost intimate interaction.

The magic barrier was quickly put back up the minute Loki stepped inside. I softly whisper him a goodnight, receiving a barely audible one back. I smile lightly and leave the dungeons and retire to my chambers.

The day had been a long one, as well as slightly eye opening. I've come to the realization that I'm starting to like Loki a little more then I had planned. I had planned just to become is friend, gain his trust. Then eventually he would open his mind to me and all would be well. But that's not even close to what's going to happen now, now I have no clue how this'll end.

Though I can honestly say that as of right now I don't want it to end. I'd like to stay by his side for just a bit longer.

These are my last thoughts as I slowly succumb to the darkness that is sleep.

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