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Revna's POV:

       The next morning the both of us slept in for as long as we could. The constant knocking from the maids really ruined the sleepy mood. Another knock finally pushes us past the point of simply ignoring it. We both groan and stretch momentarily.

"Morning darling."

"Good morning Loki," I whisper as I lean in for kiss. He meets me half way and we kiss slowly, just enjoying each other's presence. I pull away and smile softly at him. "I'm going to get in the bath." He returns my smile and nods his head, laying back down for a while longer.

I lift myself from the massive bed and walk into the bathroom. Undressing and lowering into the warm water already prepared. I take the moment to bask in the happiness that I feel. As well as the slight soreness from last nights activities. I smile cheekily, remembering last night made me feel complete.

After my bath I extract myself from the tub and dress quickly. I exit the bathroom only to find Loki ready and reading on the couch.

"How exactly are you already ready?"

"Magic darling."

I scoff and roll my eyes playfully, "cheat." I mutter and place my hands on my hips whilst giving a pouting expression. He chuckles and puts his book down. Standing up he slowly walks towards me and once again kisses me. Though this time it's much more deep then the last.

He pulls away, "does that make it up to you?"

"I'm not entirely sure. I might need another to fully be sure." He smile wide and grabs the sides of my face with his large hands.

"As you wish my lady." I love it when he says that. He leans in and roughly lands his lips on my own. This time kissing me with a ferocity I didn't know he possessed. Licking my lips for permission, I open my mouth and welcome him in. Meeting his tongue with my own.

We both part with a large intake of air. We literally kissed until we couldn't hold our breathes any longer.

"That's one way to make me breathless." I say with a chuckle and a pat to his chest. Letting him know that it was time to go.

We made our way to the dining hall and entered swiftly. The entire hall quieted and everyone seemed to stare.

"My son!" Odin spoke loudly over all the whispers around the room. We both made our way over to the chairs nearest to Frigga and sat down.

"Loki, Revna. How are the both of you doing?"

"I am doing well mother."

"I am also doing quite well Frigga. How about you?"

"I am wonderful, thank you for asking dear."

"Of course."

The hall soon fallowed along and carried on with their own conversations. Occasionally you would hear the quiet whispers about what Loki and I were doing together. Not that I cared, it's not like they knew who I was anyway. They can say what they want, there's nothing they can say that'll upset me. Though whether or not they upset Loki is a completely different thing.

I look over towards him, feeling the anger surrounding him. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it tightly. His head lifts up to look me in the eyes, they soften slightly from the hatred they held.

I lean in close, "let's go elsewhere." With his hand still in mine I stand from the table. I make eye contact with everyone present in the dining  hall and then lead Loki out of the room. We make our way outside to the nearest garden. I quickly find a bench to sit him at. "What's wrong?"

"They have absolutely no clue who you are, yet they feel the need to gossip."

"That's just how people are Loki. You needn't get so upset. You said it yourself, they know nothing. So what they say doesn't matter in any way." He sighs heavily and takes a deep breath, attempting to calm himself.

"You're entirely right. I just don't like that they're saying such things about you."

"I don't and won't ever care about what they have to say about me. They're opinions don't matter to me. Also, I thought we had already agreed that I'm always right." He laughs lowly and grabs me by my hips, hugging me tightly.

"You're literally perfect. How did I get so lucky?"

"It has nothing to do with luck Loki. We were just meant to be together. One may say it was fate."

"Well I'm glad it was you then."

"And I you."

We stay in that same position for what felt like hours. In reality it had only been probably thirty minutes though. Loki lightly kisses the top of my stomach and pulls away with a dramatic exhale.

"I wish we could stay like this."

"We could if you really wanted to," I offered.

"Don't tempt me Revna. We should head inside." I nod my head in agreement and took a step back so he could stand.

"What exactly are we to be doing?"

"I thought we might stop to see mother for a bit."

"Sounds lovely."

He grabs me by the hand and starts leading the way. The walk to the infirmary was silent but peaceful. Our hands fit perfectly together and neither of us felt the need to let go.


That night we both lie soundlessly on Loki's bed. Both fully awake, just allowing the peaceful silence to wash over us.

I slowly shift to my side and stare at the side of his face. His eyes are closed and he's completely relaxed. Something no one thought possible. He takes a deep breath and I watch as his chest rises and falls with the action. He looks so serene just laying there. I never thought that our first encounter would turn into this.

His eyes open and he gazed at me with fondness.

"What are doing?" He questions quietly.

"Simply taking in your beauty." I say just as quiet. Leaning over to place a small kiss on his cheek. As I pull away there's a small smile on his face. "I love you Loki." His eyes go from relaxed to wide in a matter of seconds. His mouth opens and closes, waiting for his brain to catch up.

"You... I... what?" He's so confused I can't help but let out a small chuckle.

"I love you Loki, and I'm not lying to you." I grab his left hand and place it on my heart. "I love you." I say again while looking into his glossy eyes.

"I...I don't." He clears his throat and looks away.

I simple keep a hold of his hand and wait. I can feel that that he didn't mean for that to sound as it did.

It takes him a few minutes of steady breathing to finally look back at me.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"I know."

He chuckles, "of course you do." He takes a deep breath and leans in to gently kiss my lips. "I love you Revna." He whispers as he pulls away slowly.

"I love you Loki." He smiles and hugs me to his chest.

"You can't ever leave me Revna. Please."

"Of course not Loki."

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