Chapter 7: Progress

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Kageyama trudged through Monday only half aware of what he was doing. He went through the motions and the whole time was preoccupied thinking about a certain redhead with a gorgeous smile and puppy dog eyes. He had it bad, that was for sure, but he had convinced himself someone like Hinata could never like him back.

When his alarm went off Tuesday morning, he was first annoyed but then nervous. In a couple of hours, he would see Hinata again. What would he say? Would Hinata even talk to him? Acknowledge him even?

He got up and got ready, and as usual got to class extra early. He watched the time carefully knowing that Hinata usually came within five minutes of the start of class. He did a sort of countdown, 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, any minute now, Hinata should come in with his two tall friends.

And then finally, he came, looking just as breathtaking as Kageyama remembered. He greeted a bunch of people and for the first time, turned to Kageyama and waved and said hi before sitting down in his chair, two rows ahead and five seats to the left of Kageyama. Kageyama's heart was in his throat. Hinata said hello to him, that was good, right? And he said hi back, but now what should he do? Would Hinata talk to him after class? What would he say? Would he make a fool of himself?

Kageyama worried through the entire class, so lost in thought that he almost missed the teacher announcing a new assignment that they were to work on with a partner. Oh, no. Partnering with someone on a school project was the worst for Kageyama. He hated everything about it. But maybe...?

He looked down to see what Hinata was doing. He was looking over at his two friends and scowling. Then, miraculously, he turned to Kageyama and pointed back and forth between them as if to say, 'Do you want to be my partner?' and Kageyama, stunned and stupified, could only swallow hard and then nod. Did that just happen? Was it really true that he and Hinata would be partners on this project? Why would Hinata want to work with him, of all people, thought Kageyama. He was dumb and so lost in this class. You would think Hinata would want to work with his smart friends, but maybe they were partnering with each other and left him out. That would explain his scowl.

Kageyama spent the rest of the class thinking through all of these questions until finally the class was over. He stayed in his seat, as always, waiting for everyone to clear out before he left and was both thrilled and terrified when Hinata turned and walked closer to him.

"Hi, Kageyama! So you'll be my partner, right?"

Kageyama swallowed past the knot in his throat. "Y-yes. But I'm not doing well in this class. Are you sure you don't want a partner who knows what they're doing?"

"Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are partnering with each other and left me hanging, but we'll figure it out, won't we?"

"Uh, yeah, we can try anyway."

Hinata smiled his beautiful smile. "Great. Want to meet later today to start working on it?"

"S-sure. How's four o'clock for you?" He was doing it. He was having a normal conversation. And they were going to meet later!

"That works. How about at the coffee shop?"


"Great. I'll see you at four, Kageyama. Bye!" Hinata waved and walked out of the classroom, leaving Kageyama stunned. He had a few hours to get himself together. Suga. Suga would help him.

He noticed the classroom was nearly empty so he got up to leave, totally engrossed in his thoughts on his way home. When he arrived at the apartment, Suga was at the kitchen table munching on breakfast. Kageyama sat down and tried to find his words.

Suga asked, "You okay?"

"Yes. I'm... I'm more than okay. My teacher gave us a project we need to work on with a partner and... I can't believe this, but Hinata asked me to be his partner."

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