Chapter 10: Anytime

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[A/N: this chapter picks up right after Suga and Daichi walked in on Kageyama and Hinata's first kiss at the end of chapter 9. ]

A few minutes later, Suga cracked open his bedroom door and peeked out. He had heard the front door close and thought maybe it was safe to check if Hinata was gone. He tiptoed out of his bedroom and into the hallway, noticing from his vantage point that the sofa was empty. He felt a little more comfortable that he wasn't interrupting something, so he continued on in search of Kageyama.

When he found him, Kageyama was still standing with his back to the door with a goofy grin on his face. Suga relaxed. "Is he gone?"

Kageyama swung his head in Suga's direction. "Yeah," he said, finally seeming to realize that he had been glued to the same spot for several minutes.

"Sorry we interrupted. Bad timing, huh?" Daichi came up behind Suga and they both stood there, smiling at him, waiting expectantly for Kageyama to say something.

Kageyama seemed to belatedly realize what they were doing and finally pushed himself away from the door. "What?" he asked, trying to hide a smile.

"Don't be coy with me, young man. Well?"

Kageyama smiled. "It's kind of a long story."

"Well we have to make dinner," replied Suga, "so you can tell us while we're cooking."

So Kageyama sat at the kitchen table and told his friends all about his and Hinata's encounter with Yuji at the cafe, including how he said, 'If I was his boyfriend, I'd treat him a hell of a lot better than you did.' Suga seemed pleased at that, turning from the stove to flash him a smile.

Then Kageyama continued, telling them how he and Hinata came back here because Hinata was upset, and how Hinata told him all the awful things that Yuji did to him. Kageyama didn't feel right telling his friends the details, but did let them know that Hinata told them to him. Then Kageyama told his friends how he had told Hinata not to blame himself, that he hadn't been stupid.

"And then, well, we kissed. And you came in..."

"Sorry again about that," Daichi interjected.

"And," Kageyama continued, "when you went to your room, he sort of, well, kissed me again. Then he said he liked me," Kageyama finished, still somewhat in disbelief.

"I knew it!" yelled Suga, spoon in hand.

Daichi chucked. "We know babe," he said, giving Suga a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks, hon. But really, Kageyama, I'm SOOOOO happy for you!" Suga exclaimed.

"Thanks. And thanks for your help." Kageyama said, still unable to suppress a smile.

"No problem. That's what friends do."

"I'm seeing him again tomorrow," Kageyama added, playing with his hands.

"Well of course you are!" Suga said, as if it was the most obvious statement possible.

Looking up at his friend, so obviously thrilled for him, Kageyama couldn't remember a time he felt this happy since he was a little kid with not a care in the world. That was what Hinata had done for him.


After dinner, Kageyama went to his room and plopped down on his back on his bed. He took out his phone, intending to text Hinata. He wasn't exactly sure what to say to someone when you just kissed him for the first time, but figured asking how he was was safe.

Kageyama: hey are you okay?

Hinata: still a little upset but yeah pretty much

Kageyama: i'm sorry that happened

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