Chapter 12: Firsts

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After Hinata and Yamaguchi were done studying, Hinata grabbed a drink of water and went to his room to text Kageyama. He briefly considered not telling Kageyama, who he knew would worry, but ultimately figured he should tell his boyfriend (that still seemed weird). He texted and asked if Kageyama was free to talk.

Hinata plopped down on his stomach on his bed and propped himself up on elbows, holding his phone in front of his face while he called Kageyama. Kageyama's gorgeous face appeared on his screen a few seconds later, making Hinata smile. They had only been separated for a few hours but Hinata realized he already missed him.

"Hey," Kageyama said.

"Hey," Hinata said.

"Studying go okay?" Kageyama asked.


There must have been a catch in Hinata's voice because Kageyama scowled slightly. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"So, when I got home, Yuji was here," Hinata said it quietly, gently, as if to not upset his boyfriend.

Kageyama scowled deeply this time and anger flashed in his deep blue eyes. "What do you mean he was there?"

"He was waiting for me, I guess. When I got to the door he came up behind me."

Kageyama had been slumped in his bed but he sat up straight, suddenly alarmed. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" He added silently to himself, "I'll kill him."

"No, he just said some stuff. He didn't touch me." Hinata was now feeling a little guilty for worrying Kageyama like this. Yuji wouldn't hurt him physically, he never had. It's not like he was in real danger, right?

"What did he say, exactly?" Kageyama asked, his face still set in stone, his eyes blazing with anger and protectiveness.

"He said he missed me. And I told him you and I were together and to go back to his boyfriend. He said his boyfriend was nothing compared to me. And then Yamaguchi opened the door because he heard voices, and I went inside, and that was it."

They were both silent for a moment, lost in thought. Kageyama's mind was reeling. He didn't like this at all. Yuji was watching Hinata? Following him even? Stalker much???

"Fuck," Kageyama finally said, not trusting his brain to articulate his feelings any more than that.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Now that he knows we're together, he'll probably leave me alone," Hinata reasoned.

Kageyama snorted. "Or it will make him more jealous."

Hinata let out a small "Oh" as if he hadn't considered that. His eyebrows knit together a little as he considered that Kageyama might be right.

"Shoyo, be careful, okay? Maybe you shouldn't, you know, be out alone for a while." Kageyama was looking at him with concern and it made Hinata's heart skip a beat. So sweet.

"Okay, I'll be careful."

"You'll come to class with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima in the morning, right? I'll walk you home after that if they have somewhere else to go."

"O-okay. You're probably right," Hinata agreed reluctantly, now suddenly nervous like he hadn't been before. Maybe this was a bigger deal than he originally thought. But Yuji had never hurt him physically, only verbally. Certainly someone didn't just all of a sudden start being a physical danger. Did they?

"Get some rest, and I'll see you in the morning," Kageyama said.

"Okay. Goodnight."

After the call disconnected, Kageyama tossed his phone onto his bed and leaned back against his pillow. He had a really bad feeling about this. He thought back to both of his encounters with Yuji, trying to discern if he was mentally unhinged enough to physically hurt Hinata. The thought made him sick.

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