Chapter 16: Confrontation

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[CW: physical violence, punching, kicking, brief mention of a tiny bit of blood]

Hinata continued to act a little off for a couple more days before Kageyama finally got up the nerve to ask what was wrong. They were lying in bed, Hinata's bed facing each other, one of Hinata's legs flopped over Kageyama's hip. Hinata's eyes were closed, but Kageyama's were open, studying his boyfriend, considering and finally deciding to take a chance.

"What's been going on lately, Sho? Why have you been acting weird?"

Hinata's eyes flew open to lock onto Kageyama's blue ones. For one second, Kageyama thought he might be panicking, but then the flash of emotion was gone. "I'm not."

Kageyama considered his options. He could let this go and continue to be plagued by horrible thoughts of Hinata wanting to break up with him.

Or he could grow a pair and face the situation head on. Time to be brave.

"Is there something wrong? Between us, I mean? Do you.... Do you not want to do this anymore?"

Hinata looked surprised. "What? No!"

Kageyama studied his boyfriend's face again, looking for signs of dishonesty. Finding none, he continued, "Then why have you been acting weird?"

Hinata paused and averted his gaze. He was realizing, belatedly, that he should have told Tobio right away what had happened. And so, he was feeling a little guilty, and a little ashamed.

Kageyama seemed to sense Hinata's indecision. "Wait, is this because of him again? Tell me. Please."

Hinata looked back into Kageyama's eyes, now filled with concern. He needed to own up and accept the consequences of his actions now.

"He was following me, watching me, when I went to the bathroom during stats class the other day," Hinata said, quietly.

Kageyama sat up in bed, suddenly pissed. "What the fuck? Why didn't you tell me??"

"I didn't want to worry you. I didn't want you to treat me like a baby."

"So you let me think that something was wrong between us? That you didn't want to be with me anymore? Rather than telling me the truth?"

Hinata sat up as well. "Hey, that's not fair. I didn't know that's what you were thinking. How could I know that? And besides, it's not like I lied."

Kageyama's face started to flush with anger. "You did lie. You said nothing was wrong. Fuck." He rested his head in both hands, trying to get a handle on his anger.

"Tobio, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't want you to worry," Hinata said gently, suddenly feeling like a selfish bastard, which he supposed, he probably was.

"What did he say this time?" Kageyama asked, still not looking at Shoyo.

"The same stuff. He wants me back. He's worried that you're not treating me right." A short pause. "That you'll never love me the way he loves me."

Kageyama's head snapped up as he locked eyes with Hinata. "He said that? What the actual fuck?" Kageyama was now incredulous as well as good and pissed off.

Silence for several seconds while they both considered Yuji's words. Kageyama knew what shit those words were. Knew he could love, did love Shoyo, better than that asshole could ever. He was angry and feeling a little, well, territorial over his boyfriend.

Hinata was also contemplating Yuji's words, but for a different reason. He was wondering if Kageyama would ever love him at all.

Finally, Kageyama broke the silence. "Shoyo, why? Why wouldn't you trust me enough to tell me?"

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