Chapter 19: The First Time

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The next few days passed without incident. They were going to class, doing homework, hanging out and, well, not having sex. Yet.

But Hinata had waited four days and he was getting antsy. They were still fooling around at night, and sometimes during the day too, but they hadn't had any further discussion about taking it to the next step. Hinata was getting tired of waiting.

That Wednesday night, while they were lying naked in Kageyama's bed after just having sucked each other off, which, not gonna lie, was pretty fucking fantastic, Hinata was still feeling a little unsatisfied.

"Tobio, let's have sex."

Kageyama froze. "Huh?"

Hinata came up on one elbow and looked down at Tobio, who was on his back looking up at him as if he'd grown two heads. "Let's do it. I want to have sex."

"Um, like right now?" Kageyama's breath hitched a little and he could feel his heart starting to hammer in his chest.

"Yeah," answered Hinata.

Kageyama started to sweat. He was not prepared for this. He still needed some time to get everything, you know, situated, before delving in, both figuratively and literally. He hadn't gotten the stuff they needed and he hadn't worked everything out in his head so that he could have some idea what to expect.

In short, he wasn't ready. And he was panicking.

Hinata must have noticed his distress because he reached up both hands to cup Kageyama's face. "Hey, look at me. What's going on? Did I scare you? I'm sorry."

Kageyama shook his head slightly. How did Hinata know when he was distressed? How did he sense Tobio's anxiety so easily, as if it was his own?

"It's just that... well... I don't know," Kageyama trailed off, unsure how to continue.

"Spontaneous is probably not your thing, huh?" Hinata said with understanding. "I'm sorry. Really. I didn't think about that. That you'd not like the spur of the moment thing. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable."

One side of Kagayama's mouth lifted in a half-smile. "It's okay. But, I'm not ready. I mean, I don't have the... stuff we need here."

"Oh," answered Hinata, before pouting a little. "I guess I didn't think of that."

"And also," continued Kageyama, "You're right. I guess I'd like a little notice, to prepare mentally, you know."

"I'm sorry, Tobio. I should have known. So, should we maybe, you know, make a plan? Would that help?"

"Sure," said Kageyama, relaxing a bit. "A plan is good."

"Okay, let's start with when," continued Hinata. They both considered for a moment, then Hinata's eyes got wide and he whispered, "Do you suppose it's true what you read on the internet and in fanfiction and stuff, that you can't walk the day after?"

Kageyama stiffened a little, as if he hadn't considered. That sounded, well, horrible. "I don't know." And he added to himself, And I didn't ask Suga.

Silence for a moment. "Okay, well, just in case that's possibly true," Hinata ventured with more enthusiasm than that particular scenario should have provoked, "We shouldn't do it when we have a class the next day. How about Saturday night? We can get all of our homework and everything done Saturday. That way if we can't do anything Sunday, it will be fine."

"Okay, that sounds reasonable," Kageyama agreed, still stuck back on wondering which one of them may or may not be able to walk the next day. How exactly did one broach that subject though?

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