Chapter 15: Drugged

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Over the next week, Hinata and Kageyama fell into a comfortable schedule. They met up after classes were over in the late afternoon, had dinner at one of their apartments or out, did their school work together, or in the same room at least, and then spent the night together, holding each other close and getting to know each other's bodies.

They were both still a little shy, still a little unsure, still tentative around each other. They were both looking for signs from the other, reading into each other's actions and words, deciphering sentences looking for hidden meaning. Looking for signs of the other's love.

Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were still escorting Hinata around campus, never letting him walk anywhere by himself, and after a week, Hinata was done with the hand-holding bullshit.

"Tobio, I'm fine. Really. You don't have to be with me all the time. For Christ's sake, I'm a grown man," he complained one night in his bedroom.

Kageyama scowled at his boyfriend. "I know. But he was following you. I have a really bad feeling about this, Sho."

"He's left me alone for more than a week."

"That's because we're always with you, dumbass. If you went out alone, he'd probably start harassing you again."

Hinata huffed, still clearly frustrated at the situation. "Fine," he said petulantly. "But we can't do this forever."

"It won't be forever, okay?" Kageyama said reassuringly.

Hinata nodded and let himself be kissed on the forehead.

The next morning, he was escorted to his statistics class by his roommates and took his normal seat. He and Kageyama had gotten a C+ on their project and were both pretty happy with their grade, but they still hated the class and how difficult it was.

During the lecture, Hinata needed to use the restroom, so he quietly and unobtrusively made his way to the front of the lecture hall and to the door. The men's restroom was right across the hall and he slipped in and quickly did what he needed to do, intending to get back to the lecture as soon as he could. He was not paying much attention as he left the men's room. Until he practically ran into Yuji.

"Shoyo," Yuji said, seeming not at all surprised to run into his ex-boyfriend.

He was following me again, thought Hinata fleetingly before he moved to walk past Yuji and back to his class. But Yuji grabbed his wrist and said "Wait, Shoyo, please. Just listen for a minute."

Hinata looked down at where Yuji's hand clasped around his smaller wrist and he felt a jolt of fear. "Let go. There's nothing you can possibly say that I want to hear."

"Wait, please. I'm worried about you," Yuji said, almost desperately.

"What? What do you mean?"

"This new guy. Is he treating you okay?"

"It's none of your business what goes on between me and Kageyama."

"But I'm worried that he's not being good to you, Sho. That he doesn't love you like I do." Yuji sounded a bit desperate.

"I don't need your kind of love," Hinata shot back with venom.

"Shoyo, does he care about you like I do? Does he love you?"

Hinata hesitated for a heartbeat, suddenly aware that he had been wondering that same thing for over a week and still had no answers.

Yuji must have sensed his uncertainty and jumped on it. "Ah, so he doesn't then," Yuji concluded with triumph. "What are you doing with him, Sho? Come back to me. I love you. No one will ever love you like I do."

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