Ch. 15

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Soarin's P.O.V

It's probably the last day that'll be genuinely hot for a while, considering it's Autumn and since it's 79°F, which is 26°C, Pinkie has suggested we'd go to the beach.

Since it's a Saturday, I'd usually stay home, but, just like every series or book that fits into the slice of life genre, we have to have fan service and a beach chapter..

Ugh, and when I finally get time to play Valorant, I'm invited to go out.. (I main Reyna by the way)


The beach.. public.. oh god.. the fangirls..

They're gonna take so many pictures of me and the rest of the guys..

Kinda uncomfortable but it's alright, we dragged ourselves into this.. but I don't think there's any way out anytime soon..

Whatever, pictures get taken all the time.. besides.. it's just their shirt that's off, nothing really bad about that.

I think..

I mean, I'm not going to be swimming, so my shirt won't be off, which means they have no reason to take pictures of me, right..?

I hope that our fanbase knows that we pay close attention to what they say and do.

I also hope that they know I'm only 17..


I'm getting sidetracked..

I haven't even packed yet, I'm stuck laying on my bed, listening to music, rethinking my life choices.


Ah, right, I have to get up.

So I stood up.

And then fell back down onto my bed because I'm too lazy.

Ughhh.. Saturdays are meant to be for relaxing..

I eventually sucked it up and finally got up and began to pack.

After that, I left the house in some beach shorts and a simple shirt.

I got into my car, I sat there for a bit, looking around. I offered to give Dash a ride which means I'll have to wait for her.

I'm gonna wait for 5 minutes, if she isn't out by then, I'm leaving.

I blasted some Twenty One Pilots as I waited for Dash.

After a while, she finally got out of the damn house. I honked my horn, indicating that I'm waiting for her.

Dash quickly got into the car and I immediately drove off once she put her seatbelt on.

"Sorry, did I make you wait long?" She apologised.

"Nope, I just got out as well." I replied.

Don't ask it, Skies..

"So.." I smirked, "What're you wearing~?"

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