Ch. 'the number funnier than 24'

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Rainbow D*sh's P.O.V.

I was leaning on Soarin's shoulder, listening to him talk about some book that I'll never fucking read.

Discord, Flash and Thunderlane walked off the moment Soarin started his sentence.

We were sitting in the library, on the floor, leaning against a wall.

I stared at him, my brains weren't processing the words that came out of his mouth.

"And then they-" Soarin was cut off by a voice.

an annoying, high pitched, bitchy voice.

"Soarin!" Lightning Slut walked up to us in those 6 inch heels.

"Oh, Soarin~.." She cooed, "What are you doing this this.. whore."

My blood began to boil, she's calling me a whore?? Has she seen herself??

"She's my friend, Lightning Dust.." Soarin wrapped an arm around me, "Did you need something?"

Friend.. that kinda hurts.

I'd like for us to be more than friends.

We'd make a great couple.

A better couple that ♥ Soarin ♥ and Lightning Dust.

"I wanted to ask if you would want to hang out with me?" She batted her long, fake, spider-leg-looking eyelashes.

"Ah, I am a bit busy right now.." Soarin smiled nervously, "But maybe next time?"

"Aww, come on~" She sat next to him, "Wouldn't you hang out with me for a bit..?"

"Come on, love.." She clinged onto his arm as she looked at him with flirtatious eyes, "Why would you hang out with Rainbow Dash when you have a much more attractive girl right here~?"

I observed her body, I swear at least 80% of her is plastic surgery.

That body is not Soarin's type. I know that for a fact.

Ha, she has no chance with him.

"No thanks, Dust." Soarin gently pulled his arm away, "I'm fine with Dash.."

Lightning Dust sighed, "Alright then.."

Soarin smiled softly, "Thank you for understanding.."

"It's not a problem, Soarin..!" She cheerfully smiled, "Anything for you~"

Soarin nodded and looked at me, "What lesson do we have now?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure it's something boring, so I'm skipping."

Soarin sighed and got up, "I'll go, I'm sure it's nothing bad.."

I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Sure, go ahead."

"I'll see you later." Soarin walked off.

I then sharply turned to Lightning Slut, she did the same.

"Bitch." We said in unison.

I glared at her, "I hope you know you have no chance with him."

"Me? No chance with him?" She giggled, "Honey, I think it's the other way around~"

I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off.

"I am prettier than you, smarter than you, better than you." She smirked, "You will never compare to me. Soarin will pick me and my sexy body over you any day."

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