Ch. 23

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Rainbow D*sh's P.O.V

"Are we really going to risk the potential collapse of two worlds just so that Soarin's curiousity is satisfied?"

"Yeah." Sunset nodded.

I listened to Thunderlane and Sunset's conversation while we walked out the school and towards the statue.

We all stopped in front of the statue, "And what will happen if the world does collapse?" Lane asked uneasily.

Sunset shrugged, "I don't know, but the story plot will protect us, so we won't necessarily die."

"The what."

"Anyways, first we need to take extra precautions.." Sunset started, "For example-"

Soarin suddenly took my hand and dragged me through the portal with him, "Bye bitches!"

I couldn't describe the experience while going through the portal, though, it was a nauseating experience.

We were thrown out of the portal a few seconds later.

I shook my head to try and gain my vision back, "Where are we..?"

"No idea." Soarin stood up and looked around, "Sure looks expensive, though."

I was finally able to see, standing up, I looked at him, "How come you get a horn?"

"I'm special." He smiled.

"Mhm, anyways.." I looked around, "Since we have no idea where we are, I think we should stick togeth-"

I turned to look at him, and of course, he flew off.

"Fucking hell."

I wandered around the building a bit, seems to be a castle. Purple walls with gold accents, amethyst pillars and a velvet carpet in red. Judging by the color scheme, it seems to be princess Twilight's castle, though nobody seems to be here at the moment.

I came across a room with a table and six chairs surrounding it, each chair had some sort of symbol on it.

I walked over to the balcony and looked around, the castle seemed to overshadow a small village underneath.

I looked up at the sky, where could Soarin have gone..??

Wait, can I fly?

I looked behind me to see wings. Yeah, I think I can.

Though, I don't know how.

After a few sad minutes of trying, I think I finally got the hang of it.

I ascended up to the sky and as I flew over the village, I observed the bustling ponies underneath.

"How interesting.." I mumbled to myself.

I searched the skies for a pony with a light blue coat and navy mane, though I think the sky is too big for this, so I was clearly unsuccessful.

I flew for who knows how long, but my wings began to ache.

I came across what seemed to be a city made of clouds, would I be able to land on it?

I soared over the assumed city, as I observed the ponies, I think I can.

I landed on the soft cloud and walked around, giving my wings a rest.

A few ponies began to stare, did I stand out somehow? Was it my rainbow hair? Or could they tell I wasn't from around here? Or maybe they figured out that I was from a whole different dimension..

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