Ch. 18

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Soarin's P.O.V

I awoke from my sleep due to a loud bang. Sitting up, I looked towards the door to see a very blurry Misty.

"Get up, Skies." Misty glared at me as she closed the door behind her before walking towards me, "We're leaving in a few minutes."

"Who the fuck are you..?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"You can't recognise my voice..??"

Of course I can recognise you, it's a joke.

"Not when I'm half asleep."

Misty sighed as she grabbed my $395 glasses and put them on me, "Is that better?"

"Honestly, after seeing you, it was way better when they were off."

"Don't insult a lady like that." Misty lightly hit me, "Now, fix your hair, once we get there, I'll do your makeup, so don't waste time doing it yourself."

"Yes, mother." I got up and pushed Misty out the door.

I styled my hair properly before grabbing my phone and wallet, and then I went to go meet Spitfire, Fleet and Misty in the foyer.

"Good morning." Fleet smirked at me.

"Hi." I blankly stated.

"Come on, let's not waste any time." Misty dragged all three of us out and into the car.

She sat in the driver's seat, despite Fleet's begs and protests, and began to drive.

"I wanna be the one to drive.." Fleet pouted.

"Well I wanna live, so too bad." Spitfire glared at Fleet.

I am so glad I'm in the passenger seat, away from Fleet and Spitfire in the back.

"Hey, where are we going again..?" I turned to Misty.

"There are a few photo shoots that you have to do, as well as a red carpet event that we'll be attending."

"Why me..? Why not Lane? He's just as good looking as I am."

"They've specifically asked for you." Misty sighed, " I don't know why you, but it's probably since you're the band leader, which means you're just slightly more important."

"Why do I have to be the leader..?"

"Do you want me to demote you to back up dancer instead??" Spitfire sharply turned towards me.

"No, ma'am."

"That's what I thought." Spitfire said as she crossed her arms.

"Hey, have you been sticking to the diet that Surprise assigned you to?" Misty asked me.

"Uh, yep. Definitely." I smiled.

I completely forgot about the diet.

"Liar." Misty punched my arm.

"Ouch.. fine, I haven't." I sighed while rubbing my arm, "But there's no need to beat me up about it.."

Fleet spoke up, "I bet you haven't been going to the gym, either."

".. No, I haven't.."

"You idiot, you're a celebrity, you have to keep fit whether you like it or not." Spitfire scoffed as she stared out the window.

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