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A/N: Dedicated to my good friend FanGirl161 Hope you enjoy!!

As the alarm beeps I groan in frustration. I really don't wanna do this. So, today's my first day at summer camp. Sigh. Oh, and not to mention my first year at my new school. Could life get any worse?

I grab my clothes for the day and lazily put them on. Wearing a black mussel tank with my rolled up skinny jeans, I wrap a plaid button up around my waist and clip part of my fringe to the back of my head.

"Jessica! Come downstairs please!" My mother calls from the kitchen.

"I'm coming! Just give me a sec!" I call back. I stumble a bit, trying to put my converse on but I eventually succeed then head downstairs.

"Breakfast is on the counter dear. And hurry up! The bust will be here in twenty minutes!" She nags, making me roll my eyes, smiling. I quickly eat my cereal with ten minutes to spare and I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I grab my luggage and swig my day pack on my shoulder as mum basically shoves me to the door.

"Alright love, have fun! You better run, the bus is coming soon. I love you" She says, hugging me-well more like squishing me.

"Love you too mom. I'll see you in a few weeks!" I kiss her cheek quickly then speed off to the bus stop. I patiently wait for the bus as more kids start coming to the stop. 'Okay' I think to myself with a sigh. 'Go and make some friends'

I shyly walk up to two girls. One with blondish hair, another with brown hair. They seem quite nice, right? The blonde spots me walking over and smiles,

"Hi!" She waves excitedly making her friend turn around.

"Oh hey! Wanna come join us?" I grin widely and walk up to them. "My names Skyler, you can call me Sky if ya want and that's Clover"

"You can just call me Clove or Clo, whatever floats ya boat" She buts in, making me giggle a bit.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Jessica, but just call me Jess"

"Well, I've never seen you around before Jess. Did you move here recently?" Clove asks.

"Oh yeah" I reply, nodding. "I just moved here a few weeks ago. I would of started school, but there wasn't any point, since it was the last weeks"

"Oooh. What school are you going to?" Sky asks, getting excited.

"Umm, its called Eastwood High or something... I'm not sure"

"Omg! That's where we go to!" They squeal in unison, getting some glances from some other people.

"Them people can just back off! Cuz, haters gonna hate, and I don't give a fuck!" Clove says sassily, snapping her fingers in a 'z' formation.

"Oh snap crackle pop!" Sky hi-fives her as we all burst out in laughter. I feel like I'm going to like summer camp.

Josh's POV

"Josh, get your lazy ass outta bed" My best friend, Dylan mutters.

"But whyyyy?" I groan, flipping over so my back is facing him, making him chuckle sightly.

"Josh, seriously, we're gonna be late for camp" He shakes me then starts poking my face.

"Agh fine! Just get the eff off me!"

He shoves me one last time and I finally sit up. I check the time- it read 6:50, so I just shrug. We have time. I change into a pair of jeans and a random shirt. I place a beanie on my head, then follow Dylan downstairs.

"Morning boys!" My mother greets with a smile. "Did you sleep well"

Dylan shrugs. "Well, if Josh stopped kicking me every five minutes, then yeah I would of slept fine" He says, making my mom laugh.

I roll my eyes and make sure mom wasn't looking before I flip him off. He sticks his tongue out saying,

"Yeah, real mature bro"

After breakfast, we get ourselves ready for camp, and to be completely honest I really don't wanna go. I mean yeah, I have a few friends going but it's summer camp. Who actually likes going?

"Josh, Dylan! Your bus is almost here!" Snapping out if my thoughts, I grab my bags and walk beside Dylan. "Okay boys, have a safe trip and have fun!" She squishes both of us into a hug before we dash off to the bus stop.

Seeing the bus just around the corner, I sigh in relief and stop running. Dylan catches up to me and we stand there, waiting for the bus to come to the stop.

"Omg! That's where we go to!" I hear two people squeal. I turn my head and see a girl with brown hair, giggling with two others. And damn, she was hot.


Thanks for reading this chapter guys! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :) Sorry it was short, I'll try update as much as I can and I probably will, considering holidays in Australia is in two weeks. Yay!

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