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A/N: Thanks for 500+ reads you guys! Omg ilysm <3 Also idk how many hours it takes to drive from LA to Cali, so just don't flip on my face.

Sky's POV:

"Sky! Clove! Wake up!" Is the first thing I hear when I get up.

"Yeah, okay" I yell back at Jess and lazily throw a pillow at Clove.

"Bro, wake up" I tell her. She mumbles something and turns the other direction. I get up and jump on top of her, making her groan.

"Get off me, fuck face!"

"Not until you're officially awake, dipshit!" I fire back.

"Fine!" I fall off the bed and land on my butt as Clove's feet hang off the edge of the bed.

I walk up to my suit case and grab the clothes for today. I'm wearing ripped black jeans and a cropped mussel tank with my converse. I brush the tangles out if my hair and leave it out. I place a snap back on my head and wait for Clove to finish in the bathroom.

Once we have breakfast, we check out and hit the road again. This time, I sit in front with Logan and Matt sits with Clove. I will admit that I do have a crush on Logan. But, can you blame me? He's so cute... But hot at the same time. Is that even possible? And he has a British accent. Like, what?

In the corner of my eye, I can see Logan glance at me one in a while and whenever he does, I can't help but smile. Maybe he has a crush on me too?

I glance to the back off the van, trying to distract myself from the situation and look over at Cassie and Dylan. Jess 'accidentally' spilled the news about the two last night, when I noticed something between them.

I think it's great that they're a thing. When you see them together, you'll instantly know that they really like each other.

Cassie catches my eye and I send her a wink. She looks at me then glares at Jess, making the girl shrug lazily. When is she never tired?

I giggle quietly and turn around, placing my feet on the dashboard. I place one earphone in my ear and softly hum the tune to 'Dirty little secret' by The All-American Rejects.

-Time Skip-

"We're here!" Logan yells to everyone in the van, making the ones who were asleep jolt up in surprise. I look out the window and notice the sun about to set over the beach.

"Yay! Omg, I can't believe we're here!" Clove starts to jump in her seat while unbuckling her seatbelt.

We all get out if the van and run to the sand. We take off our shoes and rush to the water and everyone starts splashing each other.

It was almost dark but we stay at the beach. The stars begin to shine and I look over to the van, where Logan is sitting on top of the roof.

I walk up to the vehicle and climb up it. I sit next to him as we watch the others still in the water.

"Watcha doing up here?" I ask, after a few minutes of a comfortable science.

"It's just peaceful, ya know? Sometimes I just want to be alone"

"Well, do you want to be alone now?" I ask with a teasing tone.

"I'll make an exception" He says with a smirk playing on his lips. "But only for you"

I hope it was dark enough for him to not see fire red face. "Smooth"

"You're so cute when you blush" He chuckles and pinches my cheeks softly as I shove him playfully.

On the outside I'm completely normal but on the inside I'm freaking out. It's not all the time that a guy I like flirts with me.

"But I do have something to tell you" He continues as he looks at me, his face becoming a bit more serious.

"And what would that be?"

"Well, I know I've only known for like three months but-"


"Umm, I was wondering if, you wanna go on a date with me...?"

When the words escape his lips I stare at him in shock, not knowing how to take the news. I just nod with a large smile plastered on to my face, causing him to sigh in relief. I try to say something, but no words come out.

"I probably should have waited a bit longer but-" He starts blabbering, making me roll my eyes.



Before he can react, I crash my lips on his for a good few seconds.

"Shut up" I mumble, making him smile into kiss.

Jess' POV:

I watch Sky puts her lips onto Logan's with a smile. That mean he finally asked her out.

He had been freaking out about how to for about a while week. And when he asked the rest of us on how, we just told him to ask her straight up, since Sky doesn't really care for anything fancy.

They both jump off the van's roof and walk towards us with Logan's arm wrapped around her waist. I give Logan a thumbs up and he smiles back.

I feel someone put there elbow on my shoulder and I realize that it was Josh. "So he finally did it, huh?"

"Yep" I reply and look up at him. "They're pretty cute"

"You think all couples are cute" He chuckles.

I open my mouth to say something but he picks me up on his shoulders and runs away, making me squeal and kick my feet.

"Josh! Put me down!" I laugh and he shakes his head.

"NEVER!" He yells and continues running up the hill to the van.

Kinda shit chapter, I know but OMFG This is probably one of my favorite chapters ever like the Lylerness and Joshicaness is just... Oh. My. God. ADORABLE!

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