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Jess' POV

I'm just talking with the girls and all of a sudden, in the corner of my eye I could see a boy staring at me. Now don't get me wrong, he is pretty cute. He has choppy brown hair swooped in a fringe and a really adorable smile. Once he catches my eye, he smirks slightly, causing me to blush. I awkwardly smile back then look down. God, why am I so weird?

"What?" I hear Sky ask, bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I repeat.

She raises and eyebrow, saying "Did you just ask yourself why you were wired?"

My cheeks flush again as I shake my head rapidly. "Um... No" I lie. She shrugs then goes back to the conversation.

The bus finally comes to the stop and we board it. Luckily, the seats allowed three people, so we could sit next to each other.

"Hey Jess, want the window seat?" Clove asks making me shake my head with a smile.

"No thanks, I'll just have the isle I guess"

She nods at me the we all take our seats. Sky and Clove were having and argument about who was cuter, Theo James or Channing Tatum and honestly, it was just funny hearing Clove's points, considering they didn't make much sense.

I was getting a book from my day pack, when I notice the same boy from before, climbing onto the bus with his friends. I pretend to read my book, so that we wouldn't make any eye contact. I hear some shuffling in the seats next to ours, and with just my luck, there he was, sitting right next to me.

Now I wish I had taking the window seat.

The first 45 minutes were hell! I have the sudden urge to look over at him, but of course I didn't, but he surly did. Every few minutes I would always catch him staring at me with a faint smile. Some people would probably fine it kinda cute that some guy might have an interest in you, but of course me being the weirdo I am, I think is slightly creepy...

He may be hot as fuck, but that doesn't stop him from kidnapping me when I walk home.

Strange thoughts aside, we had thirty minutes until we reached camp so Sky and I were just chatting since Clove fell asleep. We basically just talked about our life-well mostly mine-until she notices something.

"Hey, what wrong? You're acting really jumpy in a way" She asks with a concerned tone.

"Ummm well..." I debate in my head on weather to tell her or not about my assumptions about this boy. 'I'll just do it' I say to myself. "So, the guy in the seat next to the isle-"

"Oh, you mean Josh Harrison" She says, cutting me off. I raise and eyebrow before asking,

"Wait. You know him?"

"Oh yeah" She says, nodding. "He goes to our school. Everyone basically knows him,

"So, I'm guessing that he's some popular guy, Huh"

She nods again. "Anyways, what about him?"

"Well, he keeps staring at me" She raises both eyebrows. "Yeah, it started when I first saw him at the bus stop and he hasn't stopped since" I try to keep my voice down, just incase he could hear us.

"Well, no wonder". She scoffs. "I mean, dude, look at you. You're like, a frickin Hollywood actress"

Her compliment makes me smile and blush a bit. I wasn't used to people calling me things like that.

"Thanks Sky. But I didn't know what to do about Josh"

"Well, maybe he likes you, so if he try's to talk to you, you can do... something... I'm not good at giving advice" She giggles while I roll my eyes at her suggestion.

"Yeah, I can tell"

"What are we talkin' 'bout?" Clove asks lazily, a yawn escaping her lips.

"Josh might like Jess, but we're not sure yet" Sky informs her in a causal tone.

"Oooh. Ya mean Josh Harrison? Yeah, he's a total dick"

"What?" I ask in confusion. "How so?"

"We'll in the third grade, he stole all of my twistable crayons and broke 'em" She explains, making Sky and I to roll our eyes on unison.

"You are so weird. But I still love ya" Sky tells her as she wraps her arms around both of our necks, sending us into a giggling fit.

"Alrighty everyone!" We instantly stop what we're doing when we hear the bus drivers announcement. "Go grab your day packs and get ready to unboard the bus"

We're all ready here? Great...


I mean yeah, I get why he did it but, NOOOOOOOO! DX

I'm going to cry now...

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