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Jess's POV

"Wait... What?" Sky questions with a confused look and tone.

The girls and I were currently at Cloves house and she just told us what happened that afternoon.

Sky was staring at her with eyes wider that the moon, whilst Cassie and I didn't get what the big deal was.

"So...? The guy kissed your cheek, I don't see anything wrong here" Cassie shrugs while slouching in her seat, making Sky and Clove stare at her.

"Cass," Sky starts and she crosses her leg over the other. "This isn't just 'some guy' this is Finn Butler, one of our best friends since per school and yes, there are a lot of things wrong about this situation"

"Well, did you feel something? You know... like, when he kissed you" I ask her and she just looks down then sighs.

"I-I don't know" She admits. "I mean as Sky said, he is one of my best friends and I just have emotions going everywhere, it's-it's complicated..."

We all just sit there. Not talking but thinking, I guess. I honestly don't know how Clove must feel. I would say more confused than ever, but also probably happy if she really likes him.

We meet officially at lunch and he doesn't seem like bad boyfriend material. He's sweet, funny and good looking, so I think she should at least give him a chance. And if things don't go the way they want it, then that's how it is. You can't control it.

"How 'bout you just give him a chance" I finally speak up, saying my thoughts out loud. This makes everyone look up and at me. "What? I mean if you do feel something towards him, then yeah, you do what your heart says"

Clove just shrugs, when her phone starts to go off. She holds it to her ear and the voice starts talking. Her eyes daft around the room before she gets up and leaves.

The rest of us just look at each other with a shared look. Sky quickly bolts up and follows her best friend to the dining room. Cassie and I follow as we watch Clove put down the phone with smile.

I was about to ask her what happened, but she clearly read my mind.

"I guess I'm going on a date with Finn on Saturday"

We all rush to her and start bombarding her with questions and congratulating her. I know it sounds like we're treating her like she just got engaged or something, but Clove rarely says yes to a guy asking her out.

I think they're going to be a great couple anyway.

Matt's POV


This cannot be happening.

Finn just asked Clove out. And in front of me!

Yes, I have a crush on Clove and I made that stupid mistake of giving Finn advice on how to ask her out.

Why would he ask me? Of all people he should of asked Sky, I mean we talked more at lunch than he did with the others-not counting Clove and Sky-but just why me?

Finn's a great guy. Nice, loyal, charming but I feel as if he's finding something. Something that he doesn't want anyone knowing.

I watch with a lump in my throat as he ends the call in a smile. He had the conversation on speaker, so I could hear Cloves reaction. I could imagine her so surprised and blushing when she heard the news.

I just wish that it had been me saying it.

"That went really well, actually" Finn says and he slips his phone into his back pocket. "I better get going. I'll see you at school and thanks for the advice"

"No problem" I mange to say without seeming like I want to strangle him. "Hope you have fun on your date tomorrow"

He nods and exits the house. Once I don't see him anymore, I scream. Luckily my parents aren't home but I wouldn't be doing this if they were. I face plant onto my bed and continue screaming in my pillow.

What did I just do?!

I let some guy ask out my crush right in front of me and didn't do anything.

I'm such a fucking idiot!

After a few more minutes, I calm down. The house was as quite as ever and I just lay there, face still in my pillow. I turn over (mainly because I couldn't breathe) so I could think. I stare at the ceiling for god knows how long and don't do anything.

The sunset outside tells me that my parents would be home soon but I end up falling asleep.

I haven't moved from my spot since I woke up. It has even two hours and my stomach starts to hurt from not having breakfast.

I hear a faint knock at my door and my mother asks if she can come in. I sigh the wait a few seconds before agreeing. She opens the door slowly with a sad smile and sits on the bed.

"Are you okay, Matt?" She asks and I continue looking at the ceiling.

"Not really, no" I admit as she rubs my shoulder.

"You want to talk about it?" I shake my head and she pulls me into a hug.

"Girl problems?" She asks. I don't even question how she knows this, but I just shrug. Moms are creepy when you have a serious situation.

"Alright... Well, I'll bring you breakfast if you want"

"Please?" I almost plead. I cannot handle the emptiness in my stomach anymore.

She smiles and kisses my forehead, leaving me to get the food.

I scroll through my Instagram feed with no expression. Nothing really catches my eye, until I see what Clove just posted.

It's a picture if her and Finn in front of some fancy ass restaurant that some rich family would go to.

I roll my eyes and click my phone off, walking back to my room.

I go to my messages and look for Sky's contact. Once I find it I write and simple 'Hey'. She replies almost instantly.

Sky: Hi! What's up?

Matt: I have something to confess...

I'm hesitant to send it but once I do, I feel like a massive wight lift off my chest.

Sky: Okay... What is it?

Matt: I probably should have told every one this earlier but I may have a crush on Clove...

It takes her a few seconds to reply and during that time, I bit my nails, wondering what she's typing.

Sky: Wait... Seriously?!

Matt: Yeah

Sky: Holy shit. Wasn't expecting that

Matt: Yeah well, I'm a bit late to tell Clove

Sky: Maybe, maybe not. Sorry can't talk rn. See you Monday?

Matt: Yeah, okay. Bye

I place my phone down on my bed and lay down wondering what Clove and Finn were up to right now.

Were they holding hands? Were they cuddling on the couch watching romantic movies?

Whatever cutesy thing they were doing at the moment, I just wish I was in his position.

Lol Matt's POV is like some chick flick.

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