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We were already a few weeks into the second term and everything has been going smoothly.

We were currently standing near our lockers, waiting for everyone to clear out when someone wraps their arm around Sky. And I'm 110% sure it wasn't Logan.

"Hey Skyl-"

Before that guy can finish his sentence, Sky grabs his arm and flips him. The boy's body collides with the cold, hard ground as we all step out of the way with wide eyes.

"What the fuck Sky?!"

Once Sky looks at the boy she cruses loudly and keels next to him.

"Crap! Sorry Finn" She helps him up, looking guilty but still laughing. "You really shouldn't put your arm around a girl without saying anything"

"I was going to say something, you just interrupted me" He groans with a small grin.

"Where the hell did you learn to that?" Josh asks in awe.

"I went to self defence for a few years" She explains be fire looking over at the Finn guy. "Oh right, this is Finn by the way. He used to be friends with Clove and I before he moved to San Francisco"

"Hey" He smiles with a little wave. "Anyways, do you know where Clove is?"

"Ahh, I think she's in the library. Said something 'bout finishing her assessment" Sky nods.

"Kay thanks" He walks away then turns back round. "Nice meeting you all"

Finn is good looking, I guess. His dirty blond hair is styled just like Josh's- But Josh can pull it off better-. He looks like one of those typical jock, fuck boys but you can't judge a book by its cover.

Clove's POV

My fingers rush over the keyboard, typing faster than ever. As I finish the last word of my essay I press print and sigh in relief.

Fricking finally!

I go to stand up from the seat went two hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" The male voice sing songs, making me smile.

"Finn? What are you doing here?"

"Well, my dad wanted me to come visit my Aunt and cousins for a while"

"That's nice" I say "It's great to see you, it's been forever!"

"I know right. We should catch up with Sky after school maybe?" He suggests.

"Well, Sky's going out tonight, but I'll be able to go"

"Great" He smiles. "So... see you after school?"

"Looks like it" I giggle and we walk to out next class.

The end if school bell rings and I walk out the front gate, where Finn was waiting for me.

Finn moved away about seven years ago and we haven't seen each other since (obviously). We don't keep on touch as much as we did in middle school but we do keep track of the others life on social media.

"So, were are we going?" I ask, breaking the silence. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable per say. I guess since we haven't seen each other for a while, we don't really know what to talk about.

"It's a surprise" He smirks devilishly and I groan.

"I fucking hate surprises" I state, making Finn raise an eyebrow.

"What about that surprise party Sky and I planned for your ninth?"

"Oh, you could fucking tell that shit was planned by forth graders" I laugh at the memory of that day.

Finn and Sky had 'planned' a party for me at the last minute, it was pretty crap to he honest. So our moms had to do basically everything and I wasn't really surprised.

I already knew about it, since Finn can't can't whisper to save his life. So, trying not to hurt their feelings, I pretended to act surprised and I think they bought it till this day.

"Also, since when you you swear so much?" He asks with a little chuckle.

"I guess when you and Sky always swore around me when we were eleven, I started" I tell him as we walk past some small shops. "But I don't swear as much as Cassie and Sky"

"Your friends are really fun" He says simply with another smile.

"Yeah, I know"

After a few minutes of walking and talking we finally make it our destination. I look up at the sign on the wall smile widely.

"I haven't been here for ages!" I exclaim as he wraps an arm around me.

Finn chuckles as we walk into the small diner.

Our mums would always take here and this is we're we meet for the first time, so it holds a lot of memories.

There was also a girl who worked here but she's obviously a few years older now consideringI haven't been here ever since Finn left. Her name is Charlie and I believe she still works here.

We sit in a booth and call over a waitress. I hear footsteps coming to our direction and I look up from the menu.

"Oh my god! Clove? Finn? It's been years. How are you?" Charlie's face starts to brighten up from the sight of us and we laugh.

"Hey Char. Yeah, we've been doing great. And yourself?" Finn says politely.

"Oh, I've been well" She replies with a smile. "Do you know my cousin, Josh Harrison? I think he goes to your school"

I raise both my eyebrows with shock. "Josh is your cousin?"

She replies with a nod.

"Oh. Well, I'm actually really good friends with him"

After a bit more small talk, we tell her out orders. We eat our meals and drink our drinks until it was time to go.

We say good bye to Charlie then head back outside.

I still can't believe that her cousin is Josh. Well, her last name is Harrison but that could of been random.

I shrug the thought off as we arrive at my house. Finn walks me up the drive way and to my fount door, where he stops and looks at me.

"I had a really great time today" He says in a soft tone.

"So did I" I say with a grin. "It's been great catching up"

As I open the door he plants a small kiss on my check and dents me a wink, before walking back down the path way.

I stare back at him, wide eyed.

What just happened?

Forever And Always (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now