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It has been at least four days and now we are on our way back. Matt is driving this time with Clove riding shotgun.

After a few more hours, I start to recognize the streets and neighborhoods, knowing that we're almost home. I've been keeping in touch with my parents and brother since the beginning of the trip and I just text my dad that I would be home soon, since mum is working late tonight.

Sky had told us that she and Logan where going on their first date tomorrow and we're all so excited for her.

Cassie, on the other hand has been on a lot of dates with Dylan in a past two weeks, sometimes only staying at each other's house to have lazy days.

Though, I am happy for the couples, I can help but feel jealous.

I mean, I want someone to hold me in my sleep. I want someone to play with my hair while we watch Netflix. I want someone to give me kisses when I least expect it. I want that someone to be Josh.

But does he even like me back?

He sometimes looks over at me and smiles, but that could just be a friendly gesture.

Matt drops me off at my house and I walk up the driveway, unlocking the door with the spare key. I dump my bag to the side, to lazy to bring it upstairs.

"Jessica? Is that you?" I hear my dad call from the living room.

"Yeah dad. I'm back" I see him emerge from the hallway with a smile on his face.

"Hi sweetie" He says, pulling me into a hug and I hug him back. "How was the trip?"

"It was amazing! Oh my gosh dad. We went to California and the sunsets looked so beautiful"

He chuckles. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun" I nod with a smile growing on my face. "Did you know, I met your mother in California?"

"Wait, really?" I question and he nods.

"I saw her at the beach and she was stunning. I knew it was love at first sight when we gazed into each other's eyes" A small smile is on his face as he recalls the memory.

"Aww, that's adorable" I coo. "Anyway dad, I'm going up to my room for a bit"

"Alright dear. I'll call you when dinner's ready"

I nod and walk upstairs with my luggage in hand. I flop on the bed after kicking off my shoes and crawl into the covers. It was already starting to get cold, so I slip on an oversized sweater and end up falling asleep.

-Next Day-

"Okay, I'll be back late" My dad tells Michael and I. "So don't do anything stupid and don't let anyone in if you don't know them"

"Kay. See ya" Michael waves to him and quickly runs up the stairs.

"Bye dad. Hey can I have some friends over?" I ask and he nods with a smile. I hug him quickly before sitting down on the couch with my phone.

A few minutes later, I hear Michael jump downstairs. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "Where do you think you're going?" I question.

I don't think he knew I was here because he jumps back a bit, instantly whipping his head to face me.

"Holy shit, Jess" He pants and places a hand on his heart. "Don't do that"

"Where are you going?" I ask one more time.

"A friends house" He tells me rather quickly.

"Okay" I text everyone asking if they want to come over, and not even a second later they all agree. Obviously, Sky and Logan would be coming a bit later. I wait for at least ten minutes until the doorbell goes off. I open it and Clove comes inside with Matt, Cassie, Dylan and Josh.

"Watcha guys wanna do?" Cassie asks as she sits on the arm rest next to Dylan.

"Well, why don't you start with some news" I smirk. They look confused at first but then understand what I'm talking about.


"What?" Clove asks with full interest in the conversation. "What news?"

"Well... Dylan and I are kinda dating..." She replies. Everyone is shocked at first then they smile, congratulating the two.

"Cass, you can't be kinda dating, just like you can't be kinda pregnant" Matt rolls his eyes with a smile, making Cassie stick her tongue out.

We've been sitting on the couch, watching episodes of Friends and chatting about random stuff, when we hear the doorbell ring. I heave myself from the couch and open the door, being greeted by two grinning faces.

"Hey guys!" I smile at them, stepping aside so they can get through. I step next to Skyler and nudge her shoulder, asking her about the date. She smiles before replying,

"It was amazing. He took me to this really cool restaurant then we went to watch Age of Ultorn (A/N: So obsessed with that movie, I just had to put it in). Hands down, the best date I have ever been on"

"Nawww, that's cute" I say. "Now, come and watch Friends with us!"

I grab her hand and run to the living room with her and sit on the couch. We end up watching up to season 6 until 10:30. I tell them that my dad would be home soon and they leave at around 11:00.

I realise Michael never came home and start to get panicked. I bit my nails as I send him another text, probably the seventh one I sent in the ten minutes and of course, he doesn't reply.

So, after a few more minutes, I go upstairs and shower. I change into a over-sized sweater and gray track pants and snuggle under the covers. I stare at the ceiling in the darkness as I hear the door open, probably my father.

The door swings open and I hear my dad whisper a good night and I close my eyes.


The shuffling downstairs makes me wake up. I rub face with my hands and lay there, slowly looking around my room.

I look at the clock and finally get up. Walking down the stairs, I watch Michael rush around the kitchen, making his breakfast.

"Where we're you last night?" I ask, leaning against the door frame making him almost drop the plate. The shocked expression on his face makes me want to laugh, but I hold it in.

"Fuck Jess! Quite doing that!" He groans and I finally let a giggle escape my mouth.

"Well, I wouldn't have done that if you replied to my texts" I retort, waving my phone in the air making him sigh.

"My phone ran out of battery"

"Bullshit" I mutter under my breath, making sure he still heard it as I walk past him, grabbing a box of cereal.

"Heard that!" He yells while walking to his room.

"You were supposed to!" I call back with a small smirk on my face.

I love having an older brother.

Forever And Always (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now