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A/N: Dedication: InternetMeem Happy birthday! Sorry I could be there but I hope you had a great time skating with the others. Ilysm <3

Matt finally told us yesterday. Well, I already knew, but we won't tell anyone.

He started basically, pouring his heart out to us, making us sit for at least ten minutes. I had really bad pins and needles when we stood up but I'm glad he confessed.

A buzzing sound interrupts my daydreaming and I slowly go to check my phone.

Josh: Hey

I quickly reply back with a hello and our conversation begins.

Josh and I have been texting non stop for the past few weeks and I honestly don't know why.

We'd text when the sun would go down, until it would rise again. But hey, I'm not complaining.

Josh: Ugghhh school tomorrow D:

Jess: No shit, Sherlock

We continue texting until my mother called me down for dinner. I type a quick goodbye and dash downstairs.

"Where's Michael?" I ask when I notice the absence of my obnoxious older brother. The house actually seems peaceful and quiet.

It hasn't been like this since last summer.

"He went out with some friends" Mom says with a sigh. "Anyway, I'll be in the living room. Jess, you can eat in your room if you'd like"

I immediately stop what I'm doing and slowly lift my head up to face her. Even dad is staring at my so called mother in confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, making her laugh a bit.

"You can eat in your room" She repeats with a smile. I nod slowly, taking my plate to my room.

Odd. Mum never let's me eat in my room. Wonder if something happened? Maybe she hit her head. Maybe she got kidnapped by aliens and now they're controlling her.

I'm going to stop thinking to myself...

I turn on my laptop and log into my tumblr as I eat. I end up staying up at 11:00, watching YouTube and talking on Skype in a group chat with Sky, Clove and Cassie.

When my eyelids feel heavy, I manage to say goodnight to the girls. I pull my covers tightly around me and fall asleep.

I decide to walk to school today, not really sure why. I guess I want a bit if fresh air and to forget about the drama that's going on.

Everything has been so hectic recently. Clove dating Finn, when Matt likes Clove and her being completely oblivious to his feelings.

I feel really bad for Matt. I mean, it's hard enough to see the person you like with someone else, but to have to see them everyday and pretending that it's fine is probably really heartbreaking.

I walk into the school gates, being greeted by Clove and Sky. We walk to our next class together, chatting as we do.

When we pass the Science labs, Clove waves goodbye when she sees Finn standing near the door. She walks off, leaving Sky and I. Luckily, we have most of our classes together today so I wouldn't be alone.

We start talking about random stuff in class, until the teacher comes and asks us to settle down.

The day goes on as usual, nothing exciting happened really. I sit at home, flicking through Netflix, when my phone starts going off.

I read the notification which was a text from Clove saying,


And with that, I groggily get up from the couch and walk upstairs to my room. I grab my laptop and go on Skype. I press the call button on the group chat I have with the girls and soon all their faces pop up.

"Guys!" Clove yells. She looks a bit panicked. I wonder what happened.

"What?" Cassie asks, popping what looks like a chip in her mouth.

"Okay, so I was with Finn after school, right? And all of a sudden he starts saying all this deep, romantic crap that they say in like, movies and stuff. Then he held my shoulder and told me... That he loves me" Our faces now have the same expression, shock. Absolute shock. Non of us say anything at first, we just let the words sink in.

"Well, what did you say to him?" Cassie asks, being the first one to speak up.

"I told him that I loved him back..." Clove says, quietly.

"And do you?" She pushes.

"I-I don't know"

"Clover!" Sky exclaims, making us flinch a bit from how loud she is. "You can't play with Finn's feelings like that"

"I know! B-But I couldn't just leave him standing there. I just didn't know what to do" Clove starts hyperventilating and fanning herself. A voice calls Clove to dinner and she runs her hair through her hair with a sigh. "I have to go"

We all say bye to her and the call ends. I shut my laptop and lean on my headboard. Why is everything so confusing?

O. M. G. You guys I am so sorry I haven't posted an update for like 7 billon centuries. I just had a lot to do and I didn't really have any ideas at the time.

I'm currently in Melbourne, but by the time I post this Ill be back in Sydney BECAUSE THE FREAKING WIFI DOESNT WORK ANYWHERE! It doesn't even work at the hotel like... why?

Also, thanks for 900+ reads you guys! Love you all and hopefully I'll get back on track with the updates and shit xx :)

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