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As we get our luggage, we stand in front of the camp instructors to find out our cabins.

"Okay, so Cassandra Andrews, Jessica Mason, Skyler Hamilton and Clover Anderson, Section A, cabin 5" (A/N: Comment if you get it :P). We all nod with smiles on our faces.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we're in the same cabin" Clove squeals excitedly. I place my bags next to the bunk I wanted.

"Bibs top bunk!" Clove and Sky say in unison.

"Okay then, I'll sleep under Sky" I laugh.

"Ew, that sounds really wrong" Clove says making a face.

"What? Why?"

Sky rolls her eyes while placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's just typical Clover. Ignore it"

Suddenly the door creaks open, reviling a girl with hazelnut hair standing in the door way.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra, call me Cassie" She tells us in a cheerful voice. "I'm guessing you're my cabin mates?"

"Yeah, I'm Skyler by the way" Sky waves and so do I and Clove.

"Clover but call me Clove"

"And I'm Jess" I greet with a friendly smile.

"It's nice to meet you guys. I was so worried that I wouldn't meet any new friends" She say in relief.

"So what school are you going to?" I ask, making her reply with, "Um, I think it's called Eastwood high or something...? I don't really know"

"Hey that's were we go to!"

We all giggle a bit as Cassie places her luggage into the cabin.

"Okay, we'll do this again" Sky says, turning to Cassie's direction. "Do you mind on where you're going to be sleeping?"

She shakes her head. "Nope, anywhere's fine. Have you guys already made arrangements?"

"Yeah, but we can change them if ya want. I don't mind sleeping in a bottom bunk"

"Only if you're sure" Sky nods. "Okay then. Thanks Sky!"

After setting up our bunks and sleeping bags, we made our way to the mess hall to have lunch. We all sat together and we're talking about what we wanted to do in camp. Finally, the instructors came out to tell us our groups.

"These groups are going to be formed by cabin numbers okay?" One of them says as we all nod. "Alright, so cabins, one, two, three and four will be group one. Second group will be five, six and seven. Then the third group is eight, nine and ten. Okay, so when everyone's done eating, make your way to the patio and form your groups". And with all that said, they left.

"I wonder what we'll be doing now" Clove says, thoughtfully.

"Ooh. I hope we get to do high ropes soon" Cassie smiles excitedly while clapping her hands together.

Sky nods in agreement while taking a bite out of her sand which. "Mmm, that sound fun. I really wanna do archery. Ima Katniss Everdeen this shit up!"

Once everyone had finished, we all went out to the patio to me our camp instructors.

"Alrighty then" Our instructor, Emma says cheerfully. "First off, we're going to do a water activity, so I suggest everyone change into some clothes that you don't mind getting wet and met me back here in about five minutes"

A chorus of 'Yep's' and 'Okay's' fills the air as everyone walks off to their own cabin.

I randomly picked a pain short sleeved top with my shorts and tied my hair into a side pony tail. Everyone, was basically wearing the same thing, since we wouldn't of cared if it got wet anyways.

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