•Twenty One•

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A/N: Before we start this chapter I just want to thank you all 1.4k reads!
Like whaaaaat?
So, this chapter is going to be a bit longer to say thanks and also to say sorry about my updating schedule recently. Anyways, I won't keep you lovely, amazing people so hope you enjoy :D

I sit in forth period on a Friday, bored out of my mind, waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. I rest my cheek on my fist and I close my eyes slowly, feeling my head slowly slipping. Sky kicks me on my leg from the seat next to me and I snap up, sending her a glare. She just shrugs innocently as the bell finally rings.

We make conversation as we walk to the cafeteria and find a spot to sit. As more people flood into the room, I relies that Josh isn't here today. But I'm pretty sure I saw him walk to one of his classes.

"Hey, where's Josh?" I ask Clove and she gives me a shrug.

"I don't know. I think he's with Dylan somewhere"

"Oh, okay"

It has been at least ten minutes and Josh and Dylan weren't back yet. I wonder what they're up too? I tap my fork on the table continuously without knowing until Cassie smacks my hand, telling me to shut up. My friends are do nice to me sometimes. I keep my eyes on the doorway, now chewing my nails.

"You know, if you wanna find out where he is, just look for him" Sky whispers in my ear, catching me by surprise.

"Why would you think I'm looking for-"

"Jess, just go" She pushes my shoulder and I roll my eyes, standing up.

I awkwardly walk around the halls, trying to find the boys. I really don't know why I want to look for them, I just have this feeling in my gut.

When I walk past one of the classrooms, I hear faint talking which sounded like Josh. I press my ear against the door and look through the small crack. I watch as Josh nervously rubs the back if his neck.

"-don't know what to do, Dylan"

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure it'll be fine" I raise an eyebrow questionably. Slowly, I open the door a little more, but not enough where they would notice me.

"It's just, when I first laid eyes on her, I instantly felt my heart beat quicken and stop at the same time. I've liked her for so long but I don't know if she feels the same way"

"Josh, dude. Stop getting yourself worked up. Just fucking ask her tonight. I know Jess with say yes, how many times do I have to say that?"

After hearing my name, I almost collapse on he floor with happiness. I would scream, but that would give me away. So he does like me.

Smiling, I knock on the door, causing them to stop what they were saying quickly. I open the it fully and poke my head in.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, try to play it cool. It's so hard not to crack a smile when you know your crush has the exact same feelings for you.

"Oh umm... Just talking" Josh says, rushing with his words.

"'Bout what?" I ask innocently, leaning against the door frame.

"Nothing. Just a science project" Dylan lies swiftly. Lift my eyebrows once with a smile. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing. I'll leave you guys to it then" I wave at the boys and turn my back, walking off.

"Jess?" I hear Josh call from behind me. I stop, giving him a chance to catch up with me.

"Yes, Joshua?" I say, my tone teasing.

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