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Sivaangi loved that her house was crowded. Relatives were flying in for her wedding. Her cousins and friends already occupied her time with their fun banters and teasing. Even though the decoration of house has hardly started, it looked like a wedding house.

Shivangi skipped into her room holding a big bowl of potato chips. She was pretty excited for the night stories with her cousins as it was long due as everyone was busy with their lives.

As Shivangi sat on her bed cross legged placing the bowl in the middle, she heard her cousin sigh in annoyance.

"Endai chechi?" Shivangi questioned wondering if she could offer any help

(What happened?)

Her cousin looked at her and shook her head. "Get it from me Shivangi." Her cousin said in American accent that she picked up recently. "You don't need kids until your husband stop being a kid."

That is when Shivangi noticed how little munchkin was clinging to his mother while her cousin was typing something in her phone which Shivangi later learned is some instructions to her husband about their first born.

"Men can never grow up." Her sister in law interjected. "Grown up man is a myth."

If it was any other day, Shivangi would have nothing to contribute nor understood why these ladies sounded so frustrated. However, now Shivangi had firsthand experience about relationship and her own stories about a man child.

"Ashwin romba matured person-ella, Shivangi?" her cousin asked. "TV la kandu. He seems much sorted."

(Isn't Ashwin a matured person? I have seen in TV that he is sorted)

That he is. Shivangi can't deny that. There is a part of him that is reserved only for his close crowd and then that special slice that is exclusive for her. He is every bit of matured and as well childish. A complete package her man is.

"Ade." Shivangi agreed. "Romba protective kooda. Pakṣē...." This was her first time having a girl talk about her man and Shivangi was pretty excited. "Konjam torture aanu."

(Yeah. Very protective, but.... a little torturous)

Others ears peaked as they were curious to hear about Ashwin Kumar. No one was blind to the way he was stoic and stern to outside world and a putty in hands of Shivangi. So, they were naturally curious to know what kind of relationship the duo shared.

Shivangi was about to explain herself when her phone pinged with a message, she looked at the notification and then showed it to her girl gang but not long enough for them to read the content.

"Ippo dan naan message pannen cousins kooda sleepover nu, aana hero sir ku porumai illa." Shivangi complained. "Call me nu message. Eppo paathalum naan attention kuduthute irukanum."

(I messaged them that I will be busy with you only few minutes ago, but now he is messaging me to call him. He wants my attention all the time)

Other ladies smiled in understanding. They know Shivangi actually enjoyed it a lot and her complain is futile. They all had been in this stage once after all.

"Nee endha magic cheidhu?" he cousin questioned with a suggestive eyebrow rise."You know each other for so many years and still he is so much in love with you?"

(What magic did you do?)

"Chechi!!" Shivangi whined for being teased even as her cheeks flushed and smile brightened her face.

Her eldest cousin stopped others from teasing Shivangi further and asked her to call Ashwin saying it might be something important. Shivangi excused herself to balcony leaving others in her room.

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