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Deja vu it was, but Shivangi remembered where it had happened before. Even if it was for few minutes, they both sat on the swing like this one. They had made eye contact like now and smiled at each other too. Their feelings, however, have come a long way from that night few years ago and so has their relationship.

Shivangi noticed how Ashwin was attuned to what the elders were instructing him. He looked handsome. He always does. She shouldn’t be surprised, but there was something about the way he looked today that made her heart skip a beat every time she looked at him.

As promised he took effort to actually hide his chest mole with makeup. Shivangi’s first reaction to seeing him was a chuckle. She couldn’t believe he took her silly request serious and acted on it. Who was she kidding? This is Ashiwn Kumar and nothing to him is more important than her wishes.

How lucky is she that this is the man she is going to marry?

Sitting with him on the swing felt different than all their previous times. This time it was a step that was going to bring them closer to togetherness of eternity. Shivangi noticed the gap between them and moved closer to touch her shoulder with his.

She didn’t know if it was appropriate behaviour for a bride to sit so close to the groom while performing wedding rituals. She didn’t care anyway. She knew they draw energy from each other. If the way Ashwin’s body relaxed was any sign how they need only simple physical touch to calm each other, then Shivangi knew she did the right thing.

Ashwin turned to her for fraction of second to pass a grateful smile before he turned his attention back to people.

Shivangi was debating if holding his hand was going to be too scandalous. She has grown up seeing only coy brides. She wondered why her mind was rebelling to go against the norm and hold him closer so that she can experience the rituals of wedding in his arms.

A small nudge on her shoulder broke her thoughts. She looked at Ashwin who pointed at her aunt who was trying to get her attention. He aunt was telling her it was time to go back to the stage for final rituals of wedding.

Ashwin halted the swaying swing with balance of his leg and waited for Shivangi to get up before he followed suit. Amidst many friends and relatives who were crowded to participate in the function, Shivangi climbed the stairs to reach the stage as Ashwin trailed behind her.

It was just a momentary slip in her step. Nothing people could have noticed, but she felt a hand on the small of her back immediately balancing her. Shivangi smiled feeling his touch that he didn’t remove until they were sitting beside each other on the mandap.

Ashwin’s eyes caught Shivangi’s and he gave her an assuring smile. She suddenly realized they didn’t even speak one word to each other since she walked out dressed to nines.

Why did it seem to her that they were already sharing what the other person felt? Didn’t they need words?

Ashwin folded his hand at someone in the crowd with a welcome smile. Shivangi followed his line of sight to find that it was producer of his initial movies. She followed suit out of respect and was greeted in return by the nice gentleman.

Shivangi finally realized there were guests she needs to pay attention to and not just let Ashwin arrest her eyes and thoughts. She let her eyes roam around the hall registering known faces while smiling at no one in particular until her eyes fell on a small crowd from their show that changed their life. Shivangi’s smile widened on its own accord. When she turned to Ashwin to point it out, he was already looking at them.

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